"Man, that sucks. You sure she doesn't remember anything?"

"I don't know, I've only seen her like three minutes."

"You know what, I have an idea. We go together and tell her not to worry about you. First, don't talk, so she thinks you just want to listen.
I'll ask her about things that involved you, and we'll see how she reacts. There must be something she remembers, right?"

"I have no idea, but it's worth the try."

So the two Gladers go to the hut where Y/n has been all day. Y/n is happy when she sees Minho walking in. In her view, he's her only best friend.
"Hii, Minho, I've missed you!"

"I missed you too.
Listen, I brought Newt with me. He's gonna stay here a bit while I'm here. You don't have to worry about him, okay? He's a really sweet guy."

Newt has never seen Y/n looking this way at him. It's so empty. He really doesn't mean anything to her.
But he's looking at the girl he's thinking about all day, the girl he's in love with.
It hurts him.

"Okay, fine."

"So, you think you remember everything about the Glade, right?" Minho asks Y/n.

"Yes, of course I do."

"They told me to ask you some questions, to see if you really know everything."

Y/n nods. Newt is nervous.

"Good that. So, what are the rules here?"

"Never go outside the Glade unless you are a Runner. Never hurt another Glader. You have to trust each other. Everyone does their part, no slackers. And, no dating, would make things complicated."

"That's right. And why did they add the last rule? What's that story."

"Well, I was drunk, and Ben tried to kiss me, but I didn't want that. I don't remember much of that because I had drunk too much.
But afterward, Gally told Alby about it and came with the idea of no dating."

"Only Gally?"

"Yes." Y/n is confused that he's asking that.

"And did only Gally safe you from Ben?"

Y/n nods, Newt sighs.

"What do you remember from when you were taken away?"

"I remember standing by the doors because the Runners were late. And then you guys came, but there was  a Griever behind you. And I was running away from it, that's all I remember."

"You don't remember running in the Maze?"

"I've never been in the Maze, no."

"Okay, who was the only other girl that ever was in the Glade?"


"What happened there?"

"She faked her feelings for you, and I found out. But then she was threatening me, and she said she would kill me if I told anyone.
But Gally releazed I was lying and I told him. Then we told Alby, and he decided to banish her."

Just watching this is really hard for Newt. She knows everything that happened, but in her mind, Newt wasn't there. He didn't exist in her past.

Minho hoped that by talking about it, it might come back to her memories, but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe it needs to be even more personal.

"Who do you have a promise with to always eat together? Because you both have trouble with eating sometimes."

Y/n is thinking. "I don't have that, I don't know what you're talking about."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now