I miss you, eomma.

"One last wish?..." She looked at me I just smiled faintly "I'm sorry" She said in a low voice full of sympathy.

She hugged me and buried her face on my neck. She rubbed my hands on her shoulders I felt my skin heat up when I felt her breath on my neck and gave me goosebumps because of it.

Thank god for sweaters 

She released from her hug and went back to her original position. 

"Your turn" I told her, trying to smile like nothing happened.

"Yeah me.. Well... Wow... Do you want the happy story or the story story?" She asked me in a monotone voice.

"The whole story." I answered her prominently 

"Well... My mom had me when she was 18, so that was fun, my Mom and Dad moved to the Philippines and I lived there for quite some time with my Lola, that is my grandmother on my father's side by the way, then she died about 3 years ago, I have two siblings Abigail who's 14, then Dylan who's 10" I am looking at her while she's talking and I can tell that she's trying her best not to shed a single tear while telling her story

I leaned my head on her shoulders and rested it there.

"Then after my Lola died, Dad went derailed, Mom tried to help him but there is so much a person can do or endure, he didn't cheat but my Mom told me she felt like Dad died with Lola and that raising 3 kids is a lot as it is she doesn't want a dead weight, so they had a divorce about 2 years ago. That's my family... yay" She fake cheered herself

"And Damon?" I asked I noticed that she didn't include him in the story when he's literally her boyfriend.

"Damon's complicated, we met here in UCLA we were friends first, then we started dating. Honestly, I don't know why would he have an interest in me I literally take English Lit and he's taking Legal Management so I don't really get it, but yeah we've been dating for at least a year now, I just... I don't know" She said and I could feel her getting tensed up again

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" I said to her so would be relieved.

She smiled slightly... We checked the time and it's already 2 AM 

"I didn't know we haven't done anything but lay down on your bed talking about stupid stuff and it's already 2 AM" She said rubbing her plans on her face.

I didn't say anything and she sat up 

"Do you have a tank top or sports bra or anything that doesn't have a sleeve?" She asked me

"Why?" I asked back confused as she was already wearing a shirt

"Uhm... I don't sleep with outside clothes and I don't like sleeved clothing when I'm sleeping it's restricting" She said and casually removed her shirt "Either give me a tank top or I'll sleep in my bra" I got up right away and shuffle through my stuff to find a tank top for her

I handed it to her trying not to look even if I had a glimpse of her body already.

She has 5 tattoos on her body apart from the ones that are shown on her arms, she has a huge Medusa tattoo and I don't even want to open that topic unless she'd open up herself.

The 5 tattoos on her body are all in hidden places. a blue tulip on her right ribcage area, writing on her left ribcage area that I haven't gotten a good look at, a Japanese word on her lower abdomen, Latin writings on her spine, like literally on her spine,  and a butterfly just above her butt.

But like I told her that I'm gay and she still got naked in front of me? What's wrong with this woman?

"If you're done gawking at me, you can turn the lights down so we can sleep I have to perform tomorrow, thank god I don't have classes in the morning" She said lying down comfortably in the bad 

Touches or Stares (Bada Lee AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt