Healing and Smoothies

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Izuku is glad that UA had the decency to have everyone take a day off of school in response to the USJ attack. He can only assume it's for the staff of heroes to recuperate and plan out what's going to happen in the future.

UA has always been known as the fastest school, so this attack is going to really shake them up. So the heroes are likely meeting with each other to figure out what they will do for the future of the school.

So he will do the same for himself.

...Or as much as he could with only one arm to work with.

He couldn't type on the computer as fast as he could with both of his hands, but it was fine. As far as he knew, the villains were staying at the bar that they all arrived at for the attack. If they weren't, the location would still be helpful to pinpoint where else they could have their main headquarters.

The only thing he would need to do is provide the location to the heroes in a way that makes it clear he is not a foe to worry about. Since he can't just walk up in his vigilant gear and expect they won't just arrest him on the spot as well since he participated in the USJ attack as well. More or less in a technical way since he was there at the planned invasion even if he didn't attack them.

Izuku bit down on his lip as an irritation flared in his arm. He reached over to scratch only to find open air then the scratches of the gauze bandage. He turned his head to stare at his injury which had healed over itself.

His wound had closed up so all he was staring at was flesh that had grown out about two inches overnight. It wasn't close to being done regenerating since it hadn't reached his elbow yet. Izuku sighed as he made a mental note to restock his snack pile in his room since he would be digging into that pretty soon to fix the rest of his arm.

It was better than yesterday. The first hurdle was disguising his vigilante costume by using the emergency sweatshirt he had in his bag for a quick change.

The second was the reactions to his missing limb. Auntie Mitsuki almost passed out again from the wound and Uncle Masaru tripped over his words when he saw how quickly his wound was closing after finishing his first serving of dinner. He went through three whole servings of rice before his wound healed over with new skin.

And he was thankful he did. When he got home, his mom didn't freak out at the bloodstains. No, she was too busy borderline screaming from his lack of arm. It was not made better when he said that he still had it in his bag.

The lecture he got was expected since half of it was her worrying and fretting over something hurting him this bad.

He could only hope that the blood he spilled during USJ disappeared somehow. He was pretty sure it got hit with water when the Nomu was fighting All Might near the lake's edge. The amount of power he had in that lunch created massive waves from what he saw as he bursted through the glass ceiling.

Izuku noticed the inches that grew back disappeared with his original arm. He compared the two to find that his disembodied arm was getting shorter. Izuku furrowed his brow and got out his notebook with one arm as he mumbled about this weird regeneration with his limb. It might be his quirk, so it was something new to add to his quirk entry. Was his quirk reusing his flesh?


Wait, what was he doing?! Oh right! Informing the heroes about where the villains were. That was very important!

Maybe he could deliver the information to Eraserhead when he catches him on patrol. He could throw the info at him and then run away while he is distracted by the priceless information.

Right now, all he needs to do is rest as fast as he can to get back to school to not raise anyone's suspicions about him suddenly being out of school after the USJ. He doesn't need any targets in his back since the staff might be looking for any sign.

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