Wait, You're Alive?!

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"How is he still alive?"

"I thought he died..."

"How in the hell did he survive?"

Multiple voices murmured while staring at their old classmate through the window.

"Izuku..." Bakugo whispered to himself, frantically unlocking the window. "Fucking lock!"

With a strong pull on the edge, the window slid open to allow Izuku to climb inside. Izuku maneuvered his hand's grip on the window and wall to land one foot on the ledge. Bakugo extended a hand, practically dragging Izuku out from the outside into the classroom with a tug. Izuku managed to land on his chair, knocking over the flowers on his desk.

"Oh, sweet. Just for me." Izuku remarked sarcastically, picking up the flowers from his desk while Bakugo shut the window. Bakugo was in shock and awe that the person he was going to see for the last time in a casket tomorrow was literally sitting beside him in his old classroom desk.

"Hey, who brought the flowers?" Izuku asked, sniffing at the petals. His eyes were staring right into the red eyes of his old friend.

Everyone stared. Izuku held a flower bouquet in his hands, pointing it at his childhood friend turned bully while dressed in a very nice looking tuxedo. It was quite a strange picture.

More strange because of the fact that Midoriya Izuku was planned to be buried tomorrow, so what the hell is he doing back at school?!

"De-Izuku..." Bakugo started off, clenching his fists while his thoughts took over his mind. Reminding him of his position in all of this, his fault in this whole situation.

'You are the one who made his life hell!' a chilling voice inside his head reminded him.

I thought he was looking down at me. I knew he would be better than me.

A demeaning voice retorted back with anger, 'You are the one who told him to kill himself!'
I didn't mean it! I wanted to take it back.

A final monotone voice said, ''You are the reason he is dead!'

Then why is he looking me in the face, alive?

Silence passed for a good moment before one of the extras cleared their throat.

"Hey, uh, good to see you back." One of the guys commented.

Another girl nodded uneasily, "Yeah, we missed seeing you around."

Izuku turned with a glare on his face, "Fucking shut up, fakers."

"What?" Some of the class questioned, their faces paling at Izuku's harsh words. They had never heard him curse before...

Izuku scoffed, "Oh, don't act innocent in this whole thing and pretend that you can just play nice with me. I have tried one too many times to try and act civil with everyone. But each time I did, I got pushed back into thinking I was just a weakling to everyone here. Don't act like you are heroes when all you did was watch me suffer day in and day out."

"Hey! He was the one who started all of it though!" The guy shouted back.

"Yeah! He bullied you the most, why aren't you saying anything to him?" A girl questioned, accusing Bakugo with a pointed finger.

Izuku took another sniff of the flowers, lowering his head enough for Bakugo to see a line of stitching on the back of his throat. Izuku smiled when he finally recognized the familiar smell, "Ahh, Kacchan. Yep, I can still smell your sweat on the stems." Hmm, my main bully brought me flowers after my death. Dear old Kacchan felt more remorse than everyone on this whole entire fucking classroom. Oh dear, that says a lot about all of you now, doesn't it? Tell me, Kacchan, why you brought me flowers. Was it out of pity, out of guilt, or just from the fact that tomorrow is the day I'm supposed to be in the ground?"

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