Can You Give Me a Hand?

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Shitty Hair was a better fighter than he expected since he didn't see much during that battle fight exercise that All Might taught.

But it's not like it would be hard to fight against the amount of thugs piling into the room of the abandoned building floor they were stuck in. And it didn't help that he was making sure that any thug he punched wasn't Izuku in some weird clumpy disguise.

Yet there was no sign of the only vigilante he knew.

Shitty Hair was pulling his weight with the fighting while he shoved his explosions right into their faces. When one of them tried to go low, he shot himself into the air and brought down three consecutive explosions right on their back.

While the other extra screamed, he saw a glimpse of something pass by one of the broken windows. Bakugo looked back at the windows to see a thin gray... metal? line appear with a very familiar shout.

He exploded some thug trying to creep up behind him at the same time a pair of feet ran across the cracked glass of the windows. A flash of red shoes immediately drew his attention since he only knew one person with those kind glaringly red shoes.

His attention was turned back to the redhead classmate who was digging his hardened skin into the rib cage of some extra thug. With that, the waves of criminals were all on the floor.

Bakugo ignored shitty hair to examine the windows only to find a trail of glitter across the outside brick wall. He broke the window to stick his head out farther to see a flash of the vigilante aiming towards the center

"Does that guy have a grappling hook?" Did he always have a grappling hook? Did he steal it off someone? Bakugo's thoughts raved as he looked back to see his classmate looking down at the extras. He can only assume that the idiot was making sure they were still alive.

He glanced back to see his childhood friend and zombie friend running towards the villain's near the fountain center of the plaza.

Oh, you have to be kidding.

Bakugo took off towards the open entrance where the doors had been blasted open. One still hanging on by the last hinge. "Come on, Shitty Hair!"

"Where are we going?" The redhead wasn't that far behind him.

He replied, mostly to himself. "We're trying to save someone's ass from getting kicked."

The redhead didn't hesitate to catch up to him. "That's sounds manly!"


Eraserhead was pinned down by that weird looking monster he saw in the bar. If he wasn't, he knew the pro hero would have groaned at his sudden appearance.

The girl he met, Asui, was hidden underneath the waves of the water towards the far edge. She was far enough away to not be noticed, but he knew that she was close enough to strike if she must.

He could only assume that watching one's teacher get smashed against the ground was traumatizing enough. Maybe it felt like a clawed hand clenching around one's heart much like the feeling in his chest.

Eraserhead had been trying to hunt him down for months now since he started. He only ever got away because of the glitter tricks he pulls on him. Well, that and the amount of times he could catch him off guard and luckily slip away without him following after him.

Seeing the underground hero pressed into the ground was not a sight he wanted to see when he woke up that day.

Villains covered in glue and glitter? Yes. Eraserhead covered in glitter? Hell yes because that was funny. Seeing the hero he respected being pancaked against the ground? Not really.

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