Birthdays And Fashion Shows

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"Ew no i don't like that one" - i hold what feels like the hundred dress Av has made me hold and judge. That's right. Judge. When i asked her why i had to judge dresses she answered by giving me a look and i immediately got the message. I guees i can be a little judgey. But not by choice i just literally can not stop saying whatever that is on my mind.

"You have said that to every. single. one of the dresses i picked  im getting tired" - she groans.

"Well it's your birthday" - i reason, blowing  red hair out of my face. I am very, very tired. We have been to every single store in the city trying to find a good outfit for Avery's birthday.
Which is in only two days. We gotta find something. Quick.

I put the red silky dress back in its place and follow wherever Av is headed towards.
This girl is a menace when she's shopping. She has been pulling out random clothes, giving them a glance, shaking her head and never and i mean never putting them back in place.

"Okay how bout this?" - i ask.
"You" - i push her forward by her shoulders.
"Go out there and find as many clothes as you like and try them on, and i - i point to the red soft couch at the corner of the store.
" Sit down there and judge your outfits? "-i know she doesn't miss the pleading in my eyes.

She seems to think about it for a sec and then answers:
"You just wanna lay down somewhere don't you?" - she eyes me suspiciously,her dark eyes staring deep into my soul,  her features narrowing.

"Yes" - i breathe desperately.
"Let me sit Av, i beg you" - i sigh, holding on for dear life on her arms.
Yeah.. Im not a shopping person. Im actually a nothing person. Seriously, you can never force me to go anywhere. I am, unfortunately, a home person. A staying home watching a good rom-com or reading a book person. So this is not really my kind of crowd. There's people walking into me left and right and i am feeling very, very anxious right now.

Av seems to get that since she sighs and walks me over to the couch.

"Fine but if you leave and ditch me as a joke or whatever, i will kill you" - she puts on a serious face which almost makes me laugh. Av can't be mean even if she tried. Her soft features always blow her cover. Right now she's wearing a cute white crop top, a short yellow cardigan over it and a short yellow flowery skirt. Her front strands of hair are pulled back in a yellow bowtie. Her dark curls sit perfectly on her dark skin. Her lips are pulled in a very thin line right now, painted with a lip liner and gloss. She looks beautiful. She is beautiful. And a complete ray of sunshine, though she can be very scary when she wants to.

I nod eagerly and pat the couch.
"You got it boss"
"Im never gonna leave this couch until you're ready to go" - i put my hand on my forehead like a soldier.

She scoffs but can't hide the small smile forming on her face. I love this girl. Seriously. She's the only person i can be me without being judged. She makes me feel like I've been dragged into her ray of sunshine. She's the sun stopping my storm.

I wink at her and she rolls her eyes, walking into the trying room.

I tap the my fingers into the couch anxiously, and with excitement to see what dress she's trying on next.

I pull out my phone and start reading the book i had started last night. It's honestly looking pretty good so far. Which is an impressive statement by me cause it takes a long time before i like a book.
Im so into the story that i don't notice someone sitting in the other side of the small couch. Very small. That small that the person who sat and my thighs are touching.
I scoot away and ignore the person and focus on my book.

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