The kingdom of Poseidon

Start from the beginning

"How come?"

"I told you that you are in Atlantis, my home" he insists.

Atlantis. How can I be so far from home? In an unknown land and found by no one.


All animals swim as if they don't see us below them.

He shakes his hand. My heart wants to get out, but I can't against those things. I grab his hand... very rare energy like the force of lightning through my body. I look at his eyes again... his blue becomes deep, creating a sea in his own eyes, like waves in his soul, mesmerizing, beautiful, fascinating. The intense blue leaves... to see his gaze again. It disappears as if his soul had been the sea itself.

I blink, his eyes bright blue again. He lets go of my hand as he sees me on my feet. I follow him, confused. How is it possible?

We climb the mountain of sand. Not even my mother would know how to describe the huge... castle, fortress, palace... Houses nearby, but in a huge coral without water and living, beautiful colors. There are no bricks or any kind of cement, straw, or wood; everything is made of coral. Huge waterfalls fall from huge stones suspended in the skies on all sides, the water crystal. I look for a sky with clouds, but it's only fog. A sun and a very clear blue in the deep. How?

"Do you still believe that Atlantis does not exist?" he asks.

"I have doubts," I opine in defense without fully understanding what I'm seeing.

All I see is... three rings of land divided by the crystalline sea but linked by a long path... It's too much to be created by a human. Yes, there are trees... sea ones. But how is it real?

We walk closer and closer down the long road in only one direct direction. The town, whatever this place is called. Is not equal to any other, none counted or seen by any man. The whole town takes over the rings.

People have strange clothes similar, but different. On the floor, there are designs of tridents and arrows with tips in the shape of a fish. Everyone happily greets him, and the women seem to want to attract his attention. Beautiful women in long and short dresses, many have several shells on their clothing. He just smiles at them.

Minutes later.

After a long walk, we finally arrive at the castle, as big as a mountain, a wall of gates runs along the front, with... huge guardians. Giant-sized soldiers. They have a silver sword on their waist and metal armor... in addition to helmets on their heads, right in my face are their ankles. The skirts make big shadows, and I can see his underwear from a great height. Do giants exist?

They open the gates. He just stares at my expression.

"How did they grow so much?" I ask.

"Guardians grow like... almost a third of the gods," he responds.

"The gods?" I repeat, looking him straight in the eyes. Gods, I don't think I'm in a temple or in heaven. I can't be dead.

"Yes, you are in the house of Poseidon" he answers.

I stop abruptly. Poseidon.

It's too much for me, I doubt the gods and now I'm in one of the kingdoms... that of the sea.

That explains everything, but...


"I don't think I want to go in," I opine with a bit of fear and concern.

"You may come in or I'll force you" insinuates temptingly threatening.

I take a step without thinking. The guards are no help. I keep following him. The entrance is huge. Three other guards in fish masks keep watch. Seeing him, they open the doors, and I follow him without stopping. It is more than beautiful; the floor looks like gems. We pass several doors and corridors with large windows without glass like the others. Until entering a huge room. On the ceiling, there is a huge chandelier with shells.

There is a table in which a huge man is in front of it. It has a resemblance to him. As a very powerful magic spell, it shrinks to its normal size. He approaches, and his complexion is white just like him. Only the hair is longer and his eyes duller.

"A beautiful dress that you have made, my son," says the man.

"Father, I have found the human in...?"

"Human?" He is surprised and interrupts his words. "What is an unauthorized human doing in my empire, Poseidon?!"

I jerk away from the man's quiet, yet chilling scream, the two of them. Poseidon?

He is Poseidon?

"I don't know father, she says she was shipwrecked," he answers.

They look at me, I can't understand or believe what's happening.

"We're going to Olympus," he says. My eyes widen. The Olympus. This is not something imaginary. They are speaking very sure of what they say.

Minutes later.

I can't move, two guards are watching me. Poseidon has gone with his father, but I'm still confused. Kronos hadn't been imprisoned for life? Who is the father of Poseidon?

The two finally return, but the doubt of seeing Olympus is uncomfortable. I'm sure... dead. Is that why I came here?

"Bring her," orders the father.

The guards shrink and prostrate, one in front of me, the other behind. I follow their footsteps in the midst of theirs...

Until we reach a room, where the walls are only large stones that make waterfalls with a very strong current of water, which collides and, in the middle, makes a circular wave without stopping right in the center, perfect and unique, suspended in the air. As if someone held it from falling. A huge entrance. The soldiers walk away.

"Give me your hand," his father orders.

I hesitate, we are going in there. He stands with his hand outstretched... I accept it and walk with him. For a second, I feel his hand on my hip... the water swallows us. I spin around seeing the blue and white spume... I hold my breath. I see a bright golden light... it goes out... and I start to breathe again.

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