A hit...

6 0 0

Years later.

I laugh, mocking him.

"Do you really believe in that?" I opine.

"Yes," he answers, sure of what he believes. "That's why they created the five Titans like humans," he says.

"But the story..." I hesitate again. "Nobody believes that it was truly," I opine, looking again forward to the sands of the coast. "Why create... titans similar to us and give them powers just for entertainment?" I protest in disgust. I look at him, but he only smiles low, as he knows that I have no respect for what he says about the gods, and that amuses him. "Actually... I think there may be gods, but why not reveal themselves?" I insist.

"I think you still want to meet Poseidon and ask him for his throne, right?" He makes fun of me. Leaving a squeaky smile.

I laugh, looking at his doting brother's expression.

"The sea is mine; I don't have a reason to ask it." I opine sure of my words.

"As you think, my sister," he mocks me again.

We see our mother at the door of the house. Brown in color, like the wood it was made of. Far from the town's pier but close to the coast, she, waiting for us under the roof overhanging with dry leaves and boards, smiles at us.

Her brown same hair as Jordin's and in waves like mine, her complexion by far white and a bit sunburned. Her brown eyes are exactly like Jordin's. Jordin has the same complexion color, with straight and short hair, his height is greater, and his body is like a good warrior, very good physique. We entered the house.

"How did the training go?" she asks curiously with a tender look.

"I beat Jordin twice," I reply smugly.

She smiles proudly, and so do we.


I keep looking at the sea. Wet from having submerged, the sky looks beautiful. The sun is orange like fire spilled across the skies, the waves almost touch my toes, and they look free, wild. Every moment is very precious. The bad thing is that I must return in the middle of my freedom. I get up from the ground to leave, anyway I'll be back tomorrow.

Next day, in the morning.

I wake up suddenly, and my mother's voice alerts me. I run, looking for her. My heart flutters, heating up in my chest between blows of force and despair... Scared by her strange reaction, but... I see her; she's fine. My brother smiles at my worried expression.

"Happy birthday," she says.

I am surprised, and I smile with happiness and relief. My mother hugs me, making me feel better, knowing that nothing has happened to her, but what they have done is unnecessary. I let go, and my brother hugs me now, hard, his chest hard against my face. He separates looking at his hand. I'm chasing him; his hand is in front of me, close. He opens it, letting me see a green flash...

"I found it in the sea," he assures.

He looked at the well-carved stone. Beautiful.

"A sea horse," I reply. While I see every detail, perfect lines for such a small and precious stone. A beautiful emerald, surely a lost jewel from some kingdom or some ship.

"I saw it and thought of you," he says.

"Thank you" I hug him tighter and respond in the same way.

Game Of Titans: AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now