Chapter 22

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Angel Pov

      After the whole incident Enzo was a little more careful with me, which I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty nice. We had breakfast, lunch and dinner together and he picked me up and dropped me off at school and has also been keeping up with my ballet. He even built me a studio so I could practice for my addiction, but I'm not gonna lie it does kinda scare me he's being too nice. I mean he's just fostering me, I'm not his real daughter and honestly with all this going on it feels like he's going to send me back to the    orphanage.
          The more he's nice to me the more I think he's just buttering me up so he can send me back, so no matter how many times he asks how was your day or how was practice or school, in the back of my mind I always remember that this is only temporary. The dance studio, the school, the room, all the nice stuff I've always wanted but never needed. I have to remember he's not your dad even if I want him to be, he's not.

        But back to the present I'm currently in the kitchen. It's about 4:30 and I'm just getting caught up on some homework when Enzo walks in and just gets some water from the fridge and weirdly and the moment my phone goes off which is wired seeing as I only have one friend. I answer the phone as it rings for the third time without really looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say "hello my little Angel," Andrew on the other line says, how the hell did this guy get my number I say to him? I slightly smile to myself and spin in the chair so my back is facing Enzo. Yeah the guy is still here. "Andrew? How did you get my number," I ask with amusement in my voice. "I have my ways you know this,"

   "Your stalker isn't you, I knew it was right starting away from you," I say well laughing " Im sorry Angel but you're kinda stuck with me we had a moment," he said with that amazing voice of his, ugh this guy. " pfft what moment you mean the one were you stuffed your face with a burger and almost choked to death," I say well remembering the time we had at the dinner he got a burger to eat and the guy went a little to fast and started to choke I had to go to his side of the table and slap his back to make sure he didn't choke to death.
"Heyyyyy! I thought we agreed we would never speak of that," " No, we agreed we would never speak of that to other people, It's just me and you," I say in a soft voice wel swinging my hair back and forth , but I was so caught up in my conversation that I didn't notice Enzo in front of me with his arms crossed and giving me a wired stare like a we need to talk parent stare.

This guy is weird, seeing as he looks like he wants to talk I tell Andrew I need to go. "Hey Andrew," "yes my sweet angel," "My dad wants to talk to me. I got to go," I say well, kinda realizing what I said but not really. "Oh Okay but we got to talk later okay," Ḧe says in a sad like tone which kinda surprised me I didn't really think he wanted to talk to me but okay. "We will, I just got to go okay," "sighhh, Okay bye," I then hung up and put my phone back on the island, and turned back to Enzo and he still had that we needed to talk look on his face. "Yes, how can I help you," I awkwardly say, getting out of my chair and heading over to the fridge. " Who was that you were on the phone with," He walked over to me as he said that being really wired at the same time, he's not my dad gotta remember that he doesn't really care he's just making sure you don't tell anyone anything.

"That was just Andrew he's a friend don't worry I wont tell him anything," I say well grabbing some pudding from the fridge, " He as in it's a boy,"he say well kinda clenching his jaw and kinda stopping me from moving passed him, with his arms crossed you can see his muscles peeking which makes him really intimidating and kinda scaring me. " Yeah a boy what the matter with that," I mean he himself is a guy what wrong with that, "Little boys are horney little scums of the earth, you might think he's nice now but then a three weeks from now your crying your eyes out cuz he only wanted to get into your pants,"
What the hell, why was oddly specific and kinda weird. "That was kinda specific and Andrew isn't like that he's nice and I don't even like him like that,"
I say managing to get past him and sitting back on my seat and setting my pudding to the side. "Yeah sure, that little smile you were making well when you were talking to him says otherwise," okay yes a little smile on my face might have appeared well I was talking to him but just a tiny one we all smile well talking to people maybe not Enzo but yeah we all do that. "Okay one I do not  like him, Two everybody smiles so yeah.....," I say then I walk past him and throw away my food and start to clean up my books. "I know Angel but you have to be careful you don't know what he could do," he says moving in front of me, gosh he is starting to annoy me. "What could he possibly do that hasn't already been done," I say then look up at him with a hard stare with my books in hand.
" And Enzo you don't have to pretend you care about me I know your not my dad and i'm not your daughter," I say well pushing passed him and and heading to my room, I know that was a little mean but you know what's mean taking in a orpine and giving them a home and a dad that acts like he actually cares about her. And then knowing it will be all gone the next minute.
Moving on from the sadness, I put all my books and homework on my desk and then head over to my closet and change into some clothes to workout. I know Enzo told me to overwork myself and I do have those pills but I needed to work off this stress and sadness and all the thoughts. Putting on some  black spandex shorts and a baby blue sleeve shirt I wear my slides and grab my headphones and water bottle and inhaler just in case.

Skip Workout Cuz im lazy

After working out and a nice warm shower I feel a lot better. I head over to the kitchen  craving something with chili and as I look through the pantry I see a full on ass row of hot chips I think I just found my heaven and grab at least three full bags of chips and some apple juice and head over to the movie room and put on a princes movie cuz why the hell not. I set my snacks to the side and place my drink down and then get back up and head over to the living room and grabbing a few blankets and some pillows and healing back to the movie room and placing the down and rearanging them so im comfy.
And half why through watching my third movie I start to pass out and fall into the dream land wich is not always a good thing.

4:30 am 

Auther Pov
As Angel slept with unpleasant dreams running around in her mind, Enzo across the house was awake trying to busy his mind and trying not to remember the words Angel had said that pledged his mind. He didn't know why it bothered him so much, he barely knew this girl she had been staying here for about a month or two and he has already getting attached he didn know why. But another thing that was bothering him was the one and only shedevil his sweet smothering nosey mother somehow knew  that Enzo the man with no emotions had adopted a daughter and she wanted to know why and wanted to get to know her knew granddaughter.
And when people thought of the famous no emotion stone cold Enzo they thought nothing could ever bring fear to that man oh one thing did his mother

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