Chapter 17

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Chapter 16, Angel Pov

A few hours later 

A few hours had passed and Enzo had explained to me that  he didn't really pull any strings, well he did. But he knew that I didn't want to just get in because my dad was rich, well I mean my foster dad. Anyways he told me that they 'll let me be an addition and the judges will give their professional opinion and they will decide if I actually have the talent and passion and promise to be in their school. Wish no pressure lol, but at the moment i'm actually in my new room sitting at my desk looking through my new asus laptop. Like damn I'm really grateful Enzo actually took the time and made my stay a lot more enjoyable.

But at the moment I'm at my desk searching through Juilliard and their websites and the routine that they did that got them in and trust me they were not easy. I then started to bite my nails as I scrolled more and more, and I was starting to get nervous. I could say I was good but damn I honestly don't think that I'm that good, but as I'm all caught up in this I didn't notice the knocking and the door opening. Enzo with my lack of paying or paying attention walked up to me and kindly asked me out of my trance. " Hey Angle and you okay," Enzo said well, putting a hand on my shoulder and kinda had a concerned face on but it was hard to catch. " yeah I'm just stressed. The routines that get these people into Juilliard look really hard, I don't know if I'll make it in," close my laptop and turn in my chair and just look up at Enzo. "Hey don't be so down in the dumps, okay I haven't seen you dance but I'm sure you'll be great, don't worry about it okay," He says well, giving me a look and I just nod my head in return.

"Okay kido it time for dinner so let's go," I just stand up and fallow Enzo out the door and close it behind me and we both make are way towards the kitchin. Me and Enzo just stand and the maids in this house come out and put their plates in front of us. I honestly don't know why Enzo needs all of this. It's like a little extra . I man I get the cook he might not be able to cook, but what's with all the maids? " hey Enzo I have a question," I say well he was about to take a bite of his food, " Shoot, "

" What with the maids, I mean why do you need so many of them," He just looks at me for a minute like he's trying to find an answer to my question. " I honestly don't know i've had maids and butlers around me all my life even while I was growing up, so i guess it just stuck with me," I just nod at him I mean if he grew up with it mean it must have just became natural to him. But me to so much not I grew up in an orphanage so things were pretty limited. But moving on me and Enzo just sat there eating dinner which btw was chicken alfredo which is my favorite if I never mentioned. And as I was slowly chewing on my food a thought came to mind. " Enzo you don't so happen to have like a ballet studio in this big mansion of your do you," it took him a while to think about it but then he just shook his head, " oh that okay im just gonna have to find a place to practice and make a hole routine for the audition,"

I said well then went back to eating my food, and noticed how Enzo pulled out his phone, looked at it for a straight minute then sat up and walked away like dude. This dude is weird sometimes. I just get back to eating and leave to do whatever he's doing. After I'm done eating, I put away my dish and then head over to my room. And on my way I hear yelling coming from Enzo's room, what is up with him? I go inside my room and go to my desk and start looking up studios to practice at because this is gonna take lots and lots of practice.

After about an hour of searching I wrote a few that look good enough to practice at, and I also have this huge mansion so there could be somewhere to practice at. I get up and get a pair of pjs and place them on the bed and head over to the shower.

An hour later

After showering, brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine. I head over to my bed and pick up my pjs and get dressed and then jump into the most comfortable bed ever and tuck myself in and slowly but surely start to drift to sleep.
Hope you guys like my story so far
And please point out any spelling mistakes.

Love you all and have a fabulous day 🥰🥰

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