Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Enzo's pov

I wake up to the buzzing of my alarm clock, my alarms don't really have to be so  loud for me. Being in the mafia literally makes you sleep with one eye open so iv become a very light sleeper over the years. But it seems not for Angel as she's dead asleep on my chest and I think I see a little bit of drool. No matter, quit cute in my opinion I think we really connected last night she told me a bit about her past and i'm glade she was able to intrust me with that bit of information about herself. I scoot her over just a little bit over as I slowly get up, not wanting to wake her up I look over to my clock and see its 6:30 am. Its a little early so i'll let her sleep for a little while, I get out of the bed as easily as I can so I don't wake her up, and i head over to my closet and get some work out cloths and go change in the bath room.

Once i'm done I  leave the room and make my way to the kitchen and get a water bottle from the forge and head over to the gym room.

A few hours later

Huf huf huf

I breath heavily and sweat covers my body as I walk over to the kitchen and grab a water bottle from the fridge. I chug it down and sigh happily as I drink the last drop. I then make my way to my room and as I walk in i hear a little snore and see angel still sleeping. I forgot she was in here, and i'm surprised she still asleep, I guess last night made her tired, I honestly wouldn't blame her poor girl.

I make my way to my closet and get my cloths for the day my shoes and socks and head over to the guest room not wanting to wake up angel. Once I was done showering and getting ready I head towards the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee and as I was right about to take a drink, a grumpy little lady with a nest for hair walked through the door.

It took every fiber in  my body to not laugh at her morning state, and right as I was bout to tell her something she held up her finger at me telling  me to stop. And made her way towards me, and this girl literally pushed me, like dam does she work out cuz she literally just pushed me out of her way.

I just stand there with my mouth wide open as she pours her self a cup of coffee, then goes over to the fridge and what I think looks form here she gets the creamer and pours it in her cup then she starts, to go through the cupboards till she finds the sugar. And dam does she put a lot, she stirs it all with a spoon and takes a big drink and then sighs, I then see the cutest and tiniest smile appear on her face. She then moves her hand in a motion telling me to continue on about what I was going to say, and she walk over to the island and sits on one of the stools.

And I start to talk again before she interrupted me.

"Im going to the office today, and today is the staff members day off and I don't really want you here alone so, I want you to come to the office with me," I say then I my self take a sip of my coffee, " sure let me get dressed real quick, when do we leave,"

I look at my watch and see its 8:45 I don't really have to be at the office till 9:30 so i'll give her time to get ready. " we have to be there at ten to will leave at 9:45 "ok just give me a sec, ok," I just nod at her and she makes her way back to her room and ill just wait here.

About 5 minutes of waiting I realized that Angel didn't get any breakfast so I felt like making her a nice breakfast burrito to go. So I start getting to it and make her a green chili egg and bacon and sausage with potatoes breakfast burrito and to be extra I make her little fruit cup. If she doesn't eat it I have a mini fridge so she can eat it later. I rap her burrito in a paper towel and then in tin foil, and wait for her to come down, after a while I look at my watch and see its 9:20 dam how long does it take for a little women to get ready.

And I as I wait for a little longer I let my mind wonder a bit.

You know, I may have forced adopted angel and kidnaped her, and I realized, I have so much to apologize for. I think we could make this work I could try to be there for her I guess you could say but, maybe this might be good for the both of us. you never know its just a thought.

As i sit there contemplating things and in my thoughts angel finally came down. " ok lets go,"

I get up and grab my stuff and get her break fast and we head over to the garage and when I spot my car I motion Angel to my car and angel just stops and stairs at it, " what, whats wrong?" I look at her and she just has this twinkle in her eye as she just looks at my car and she just looks at the car for a little bit till she responds " nothing its just that you car.... Its so beautiful, just a quick question is this a carbon fiber Shelby gt500cr mustang,"

"yeah, it is how do you know that," i say suprised at her for knowing so much she know about this car.

"Oh it's just this is my dream car iv been saving up just to buy it," and I look at her and then to the car hmmm maybe if she's with me for a long period of time I'll.... I don't know maybe give it to her. Just a thought there you know just like the other one.

"Ok kid get in the car we need to get going," I take out my car keys from my pocket and unlock the car and me and Angel get in.

And when I start the car Angel is just in awww maybe I really will give it to her. " ok sweet belts on kid," I put mine on as well does Angel and we head over to my work.


Tell me if there were mistakes ok 👌

Hey guys I hope you liked it, I really liked this chapter I think it was really good

Oh and fyi there will be good interesting things in this story, going to the father daughter relationship and then to her lover and all the drama in between

Important read this part

There father daughter relationship will be a little fast but don't worry
There Is a lot in the mix ok

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