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VEGAS WATCHES HAVANA WALK DOWN THE HALL BEFORE DISAPPEARING BEHIND A CORNER, she then turns around and stills, alarmed by the sight in front of her.

Rebekah strokes Zyanya's tiny hand with her own, with an uneasy expression etched on her face, that wasn't what was concerning for Vegas.

What was, was that the original was using her index fingernail to pick at the thumb nail fold (on her other hand), and Vegas understood it was a sort of self soothing to calm her nerves, she usually wouldn't say anything. Usually, but the girl was digging so hard that blood started dripping down to the floor.


Rebekah turns in response, "What?"

Vegas' eyes widened, "Girl, you're bleeding." She pointed to the original's right hand.

Rebekah looked down at her bloody thumb, she pulls away from her daughter so she won't make a bloody mess on crib, "Sorry. I'll clean it up."

"No, just sit down."

Rebekah did as told, Vegas grabbed the napkin from earlier in the day she shoved into her jean pocket, and walks over to Rebekah before handing taking the blonde's hand.

Usually, she'd disinfect and wrap the wound but since Rebekah was a vampire, the wound would heal in a few seconds so there was no need. Then Vegas thought about how much force Rebekah had to use on her thumb for it to continue to bleed.

Apparently, a shit ton.

Vegas held the thumb up closer to inspect it throughly and paused, her eyes popping out of their sockets from how surprised she was. She could see clear down to the bone and the flesh surrounding the nail was hanging on by a thread. She hastily wraps the napkin around the wounded thumb.

She tightly squeezes the thumb to put pressure on it, "I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but  you need to relax, or go home. Maybe take some deep breaths or something. I know it's not easy but she's going to be fine."

Rebekah winces as she shakes her head, "I can't."

Vegas sighs out, she knew it was a long shot, "Have you eaten?" She asks and pulls the blood soaked napkin away, relived to see the thumb healed completely back to normal. "I'll go get you a bag." She left before the blonde could protest.

Vegas exits the room and goes straight to the blood bank, usually there's an attendant there but guesses it's really busy and a lot of surgeries being performed. It's a good thing for her though, no need to come up with explanations on the spot. She sometimes wishes she could be a vampire, solely for the compulsion capabilities.

She quickly grabs a bag O positive blood, since it's the most common one and makes a mental note to donate some blood later.

Vegas closes the door, turns around to head back to Rebekah when she runs right into someone she actively avoided.

She loudly groaned, not caring for a single moment of the man in front of her could hear.

A nurse from labor and delivery who took every change to flirt with her.

The smirk on his face pissed her off even more.

"Come on babe. Don't be like that." He goes to step closer but Vegas holds out her hand and pushes him away.

"Stop. I'm pretty sure what you're doing right now constitutes as sexual harassment. And don't call me babe."

"Why are you so difficult?"

She rolled her eyes, "Why can't you take no for an answer?"

"Because you haven't given me a chance."

"And I won't. Ever."

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