Price shakes his head. ‘’Too obvious. Only couples are attending.’’
‘’Couples!?’’ I exclaim. ‘’Ghost and i need to go as.. a couple?’’
I feel my face fluster slightly. Shit, I so not want to do this. This is going to be one hell of a mission. Not to mention how awkward it will be, considering our strong dislike towards each other. No wonder Ghost is so pissed.
I don't even dare to look at him right now.

Price nods.
‘’I'm sorry, but this is the only way to blend in. Our target will be the host of this ball, and we need to get close to eavesdrop on him. We have received inte he is leading a new hostile organization. We need to either confirm or reject, asap.’’

Ghost lets out a couple of curse words as he paces around the office.
‘’Lieutenant’’ Price says stern, his patience growing thin.
‘Keep it professional. The mission comes first.’’

Ghost stops in his tracks as he lets out a frustrated sigh.
Price nods approvingly. ‘’Laswell will bring you your costumes. Meet each other at the limousine at 8 tonight’’

I nod. ‘’Yes, Sir’’
Ghost now stands behind me as I hear him softly mocking my tone. My head spins around quickly to give him my famous death stare.
‘’Dont fuck this up’’ He warns me.
‘’I hope you can dance, Lieutenant’’ I say mockingly.
‘’Let's hope they have an open bar, ey?’’ He mocks back.
I grit my teeth as the tension rises between us. Low blow.
‘’At Least you can keep on your cheap halloween mask.’’ I hiss back.
‘What did y-..’’

‘’Enough.’’ Price raises his voice as he stands up from behind his desk.
‘’This is a very important mission and I am counting on the both of you. Do not let your personal matters interfere. Is that understood!?’’

‘’Yes Sir’’ Ghost and i say simultaneously.
‘’Good.’’ Price says as he lets out a loud sigh. ‘’You're both dismissed’’

A few hours later i stand in my room, facing the mirror.
Laswell really went all out when picking a dress for me. It's a light pink, A-line dress with a sweetheart neckline. My golden locket reflects as it hits the lighting in my room.
She was even kind enough to do my hair. A high ponytail with curls, and just a bit of makeup.
I put on my white elbow-length gloves and matching white heels.
This is ridiculous, I am a soldier for crying out loud.
I glance over my nightstand where my light pink mask is lying. The white ribbon on the back will secure it around my head when I wear it.
I guess Ghost is lucky he can keep some sort of mask on.
Will he look good in a suit?
I shake my head, softly chuckling.
Excuse me? Where did that thought come from?
As much as I try to deny it to myself, he does have a godlike body. He is way more toned than the rest of the soldiers I've seen in this base.
 Just too bad he doesn't have a nice personality to go with it.
Not that I would be interested anyway.

A soft knock on my door breaks the silence in my room.
‘’Come in.’’ I say as I keep looking at myself in the mirror.

Soaps' face lights up as he slowly walks into my room. ‘’Look at ye lass!’’ He exclaims.
I chuckle a bit flattered. ‘’Well thank you. It's a bit much isn't it?’’ I say swaying the dress around as I look in the mirror. I feel like a cupcake, or bride, or both.
‘’Aye, i suppose you could work at Disneyland if you're every tired of being a soldier’’ 
‘’Very funny.’’
Soap chuckles. ‘’Price told me about the mission. Thought id come to check up on you after yesterday.’’
I nod as I turn to face Soap.
‘’Soap, i can't tell you how sorry i am for-..’’
Soap holds up his hand to hush me. ‘’Keep the heid, lass’’ He says with a wink. ‘’No hard feelings’’

I let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding. I was a bit nervous Soap would hold a grudge, but i should've known he would react so kind and compassionate.
‘’Thank you Soap’’ I say a bit relieved.
Soap smiles as he looks me up and down. ‘’Where do ya keep your weapon with that thing on?’’
I chuckle as I slowly lift my dress a bit. My thigh band holding my knife, pistol and also radio.
‘’And..’’ I add as I move my hair behind my ear.
Soap nods approvingly. ‘’Nice. Are you nervous at all? This being your first mission at 141..’’
He looks at me, trying to read my expression.

I sigh a bit. ‘’Maybe.. a little. I guess I'd rather go with you than my Lieutenant..Didn't exactly envision my first mission to be like this’’ I gesture at my gown. 'Obviously"
Soap laughs at my discomfort.  His expression turns a bit more serious as he speaks again.
‘’Look lass, I know he gives you a hard time. But I've known him for years, he does care. He just isn't used to showing it.’’
I scoff. ‘’Are you sure about that? I'm not even sure if he even has a heart’’
Soap chuckles. ‘’Believe me, he does. And he loves his team, it's his only family..’’ he catches himself from talking more. ‘’Just be careful out there and try to listen to him okay? You can trust him’’

I sigh as I grab the mask from my nightstand.
‘’This is going to be a long night..’’ I say pouting a bit.
Soap smiles gently as he holds out his hand.
‘’May i?’’
I nod as I give him the mask. He moves behind me as he ties the ribbon, placing my hair gently back over it.
‘’There you go. Now go Cinderella , your carriage awaits..’’ He teases.
‘’Can't wait to spend the whole evening with Hades ’’ I tease back, rolling my eyes.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now