The best team in the lands.

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?? What.

(Y/n) Never mind.. but you did say you'd teach us thief skills right!?

Kazuka Wow that's the first time I've seen you this energetic.

(Y/n) We've been together for 2 weeks and like 2 days you're not gonna see the most of me till later...

??? Uhhh... yeah I would teach you thief skills!

(Y/n) Great!! Also who's darkness.

??? Oh, that's my friend that approached you yesterday! Look she's literally sitting next to me!

I then look and see the horny one from yesterday sitting in the table.

(Y/n) Oh yeah... the horny one..

??? Okay.. well anyways, there's many moves that are important to thief's such as, steal, sense enemy, disarm traps and more!

(Y/n) I'm not gonna need sense enemy since I can learn Ki sense and I'm assuming everyone has ki, so I think steal would be the best option here.

Kazuka Yeah I'd also like to learn some of those moves too. So what's the price of something like that?

??? I won't charge you much just a good old beer!

(Y/n) That's.. actually a great deal. Waiter let me get one cold beer please!!

(Y/n) Ko!

Chris No!

Wiz Su!

Kazuka Ba!!

We then went to the back of the guid and watched the girl as she got up in front of us.

??? Okay before we get started let me introduce myself first since I didn't get the chance to! My name is chris and I'm a great friend of darkness over there!

I then turn and see darkness sitting down with a moody face. Oh yeah forgot to mention we left Aqua and megumin at the guild since they were being boring.

(Y/n) Well nice to meet you Chris. My name is (y/n)

Kazuka Same here and my name is kazuka!

Chris Alright I'll start with the first move which is sense enemy!

(Y/n) I'll sit this one out.

Kazuka Huh? Are you sure this sounds like a amazing move to have!

(Y/n) I already can learn ki sense I don't need a second detecting move.

Kazuka Oh yeah! Okay then care on Chris.

Chris then shows kazuka how to do enemy sense by using darkness as a test subject. But it backfired at her as darkness got mad causing Chris to roll in a barrel and scream.

(Y/n) Oh yeah I forgot this world is a mistake.

Chris Okay anyways, let's move on to the next skill!! Steal!!!

(Y/n) You have my full attention.

Kazuka Same here.

Chris Okay so steal is a luck based move which is very useful in situations that demand it. Such as fighting a boss. You can steal his sword and a piece of armor which hinders the boss allowing you a higher chance of success!

Kazuka The only stat I have that's high.

Chris I will demonstrate using (y/n) as a test subject since darkness is too risky!! Steal!!!!

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