Chapter 23: Teamwork

Start from the beginning

A sadistic grin crept up the clay monster's face. "They've been taken care of. It's just you and me now."

Her grip on her pole tightened as she tried not to think about the worst-case scenario. She had to keep a calm and collective mind if she was going to take him down. "About time."

She charged at Clayface. The giant monster's arms stretched out and became large, thick blades. He swiped at Huntress, but she flipped over the blade and whacked him in the head with her pole. It disfigured his head, but it immediately reformed, and he swiped at her again. She ducked beneath the first blade, then leapt back as he stabbed at her with the second, but then he surprised her when a flood of clay flowed out of his stomach and wrapped around her waist.

Clayface brought his blade arm down, and she raised her pole, blocking the blow. He struck again with the other one, sending sparks flying with each impact. Huntress' arms quickly began to ache with every blow, and she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to hold off his attacks.

As he raised one blade and prepared to bring down the other, Huntress' hand went to her belt and grabbed a gas grenade. She tossed it in the air, and it exploded, surrounding them both in cloud of smoke. Grabbing at her belt again, she pulled free a clay cutting wire and whipped it out around the tendrils of clay wrapped around her, slicing herself free. Jumping up, she delivered a blow to his face with her knee, and the monster stumbled back.

Back-flipping, she put some space between her and her assailant. Pulling out her crossbow, she fired several arrows into the clay monster. Clayface snarled, his blade arms changing back to normal. He punched outward, his fist flying off his knuckle and hardening into rock. Huntress cartwheeled to the side as the giant stone fist broke through the wall.

Realizing that her crossbow was useless, she tossed it aside and grabbed at a stun grenade. Tossing it into the air, she kicked it at Clayface, and it struck him with enough force to get stuck in his body. She took cover as it went off, and heard Clayface cry out. Jumping up the moment it died down, she pulled out a Taser and fired it at him. It buried into his chest, but the electricity didn't seem to affect him. She wished she had more of the nerve toxin meant for Bane, but had only taken a small sample from the Batcave. Then again, it might not even affect him.

Reaching up, Clayface pulled the cable free, then lashed out at her, his arm turning into a flood of clay. She jumped aside, and he lashed out with his other one. She jumped over this and charged towards him, jumping up and delivering a punch to his lower jaw.

She realized she made a mistake a moment later as Clayface simply liquefied on top of her. Her reformed with her in his grasp, holding her out with his giant hands around her. She cried out and began kicking, but he was out of reach of her legs, and her arms were pinned to her side as he squeezed her.

"The doctor thought your body was so special," Clayface taunted, "but I'm about to break it."

He was struck from behind, Robin's sword slicing through his shoulder. A star-bolt struck his other shoulder, and his arms fell away. Huntress slipped out of his limp grasp and hopped away as Clayface turned around to see that all the Titans were all conscious once more. A growl escaped him as they surrounded him on all sides.

"Miss us, ugly?" Beast Boy asked.

"Time for some payback," Robin told him.

Clayface growled again, his severed arms slipping into his body and growing back. "I should have just killed you all earlier." He looked at Robin and scowled. "And how the hell are you alive?"

The Boy Wonder smirked arrogantly. "Looks like this bird can fly after all."

Clayface cracked his knuckles. "This time I'll make sure you fly away to Heaven. You and your friends."

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