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"You little brat, I know what you're thinking." Milliaon frowned. Ali smiled and jumped off his lap. He dashed to the library and read books on art diseases. If he recalls correctly, the lady who will marry his brute and uncouth brother has less than two years to live.

"You know what he's thinking?" Perial asked. He can't help but laugh at how cute these brothers are!

"Probably insulting me in any way he can." Milliaon

Perial laughs and decides to loiter around the kid rather than spend his day with the brute.

So, he went to the library and saw the kid sitting on the floor. Most noble children would still follow cleanliness.

"What are you looking for, Little Al?"

"Arwt Diseawse."

Perial was taken aback when he heard that. The boy who appeared to be too innocent is aware of Art Disease. He is not even an artist. Perial watched the toddler wiggle his butt as he stood up on his little toes.

"Do you do it for your brother?"

"Bwrothwer neewds to mweet a nwice lady."

"Don't you think he should first learn how to be gentle before studying Art Disease?"

"I cawn dwo thwat."

Amazing! Even though he is speaking like an adult, this toddler understands him!

Not only that, but that Bastard has a very cute little brother! A brilliant younger brother!

Good lords, why did those gods waste such a cute child on that brute? He is sure he can not even raise a child properly!

"Hyun's wife is from the Souwth, she's prwobably giwfted as well." The boy said with a serious tone.

"However, Leopold family is not an Art Family."

"They're nwot?"

Perial was confused. It's as if this kid predicted that someone from the Leopold family is an artist. He was so sure when he said he'd read about Art Disease as if he's preparing for someone to come to their house with that disease.

Should I check it? He would be crossing the line if he did, but something is bothering him.

The Leopold family is an outstanding example of a talented but not gifted family. The troublemaker and the first born are knights, and they certainly decorated the entire news. Would the youngest then be the artist?

"Little one, who's your brother's betrothed?"

"Second Lady? Kallina?"

How cute! Perial would want to kidnap this child and take him back to Carlos's house! He's so wasted with that brute of a brother!

He's reading a book about Disease for the Second Lady, his Hyun's Bride.

Perial was cooing at the boy and watching him study various books. He became even more terrified when he noticed him flipping through the books and setting them down as if he had already read them.

He is unsure whether he has art, but is photographic memory even art? No. It is a complete abomination of human intelligence.

Perial made a shaky motion with his head.

The older brother is a sword enthusiast.

However, the younger brother is a voracious reader.

The future of the Pestellios Duchy is bright and clear.

With a little more guidance, this kid could be a more terrifying politician than his brother.

"What are you doing?" Milliaon inquired as soon as he stepped inside.

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