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It's been a few weeks since Draco and I had sex for the first time, and we still haven't done it again. Every time I try to have sex he changes the subject. I'm determined to have sex again, and i'm going to have Pansy's help to do so.

"Pans I swear something must be wrong with me! It was so good our first time, maybe it was bad for him?" I fell back onto my bed complaining to Pansy. "Y/n he's the one who has something wrong with him! Who wouldn't want to have sex with you you're hot as fuck!! You just gotta show him what he's missing" She shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you even mean. There's like nothing I can do" I huffed. "Omg girl let's get you some lingerie!! That HAS to work!" She squealed at the thought."Pansy where would we even get lingerie!!" I wasn't opposed to the idea.

"I know a place" she giggled "Just get dressed and then we'll leave" pansy winked. She is so crazy. I just put on a sweater and leggings.

Once me and Pansy arrived to this small shop we walked inside and I was bombarded with the scent of vanilla and cherry. "Pansy what even is this place" I said in disbelief. The more I looked around, the more I saw. Sex toys. And a lot of them. Wait hold on- is that what I think it is?

"Pansy.. is that magic?" I looked at her shocked. "Yep! This is a magical sex store" she giggled. "HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS PLACE!!" I whisper yelled trying not to grab attention.

"Just calm down Y/n. You can look around" She winked at me and walked away. I don't even know where to begin. I walk towards a rack of lingerie and start looking through them.

I spotted this black lace set that had black lace flowers. It was perfect. "Pans do you think I should get this one?" I asked walking over to her. "Yes! That's definitely the one!!"

We continued to look around until I spotted something that caught my eye

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We continued to look around until I spotted something that caught my eye. I walked over to the display where I saw something that seemed to be vibrating. I heard Pansy walk up beside me "Ooo are you interested in that vibrator Y/n?!"

"What does it do?" I questioned. I heard Pansy gasp before answering my question "Oh yeah. You're totally getting that. Just ask Draco what it's for hun" She giggled and walked to the register. "Don't worry girl I got this" Pansy winked at me and paid.

It was now 6pm and I was in the library studying for my Herbology test. I was having a hard time with everything and I saw Fred walking down the isle "Hey Fred!" I smiled and waved. He walked over to me looking confused "Uh sorry I'm George" He awkwardly chuckled.

"Oh my Merlin! I can't believe I got you two mixed up, Im sorry, Im Y/n!" I extended my hand to shake his. He just started to laugh before speaking "Im just messing with you Y/n! It's me Fred" He sat next to me still laughing
"I can't believe I just fell for that" I rolled my eyes and laughed with him.

Angel: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now