Trial run ☕️

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I had never genuinely thought about it before. What would it be like to date The Draco Malfoy? He isn't the nicest per say, but I feel like once I get to know him; The real him, he'd be good. I thought about it for a few moments.

Draco just watched in anticipation of my answer.
"I want a trial run first." I say "How do you trial run a relationship Y/n?" Draco laughed confused. I could get used to that sound. "The rest of the time we're here, I want to do a trial run. So we will act like we're dating in private for now, and if it goes well then.. I'll be your girlfriend."

He thought about it and agreed. Before I could say anything else he immediately pulled me into his arms "You're totally going to be mine." He started attacking my face in kisses. I never thought I'd see this side of him.

"Well now that we're kinda dating you have to let me give you a nickname!" I said in an excited manner. "I got you, call me daddy" he shrugged, and I just turned bright red. "I AM NOT CALLING YOU THAT DRACO!!" I yelled embarrassed at the thought.

"It was worth a shot" He started laughing. "Okay but for real let me try to think of something.. I KNOW! Can I call you.. Dray?" I asked, he smiled at the name, and Merlin did he look good.
"I quite like that Angel" he kissed my nose.

I got up to use the restroom, and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked. My neck looked like I had been attacked by something! Red and deep purple marks scattered all over it. "DRACO!" I screamed, he ran to the restroom "WHAT, WHAT IS IT?" He screamed back. "Look what you did to my neck!" I yelled, pointing to the marks.

He started laughing, but then stopped when he saw how worried I was. "If you really want them gone, I know a spell Angel." He looked at me sympathetically. Although I know he probably wanted me to keep them I was glad he knew how to get rid of them. "Please" is all I said before he made them vanish.

I turned to face him and gave him a kiss "Thank you for listening to me Dray, it means a lot to me that you respect my boundaries" I smiled and he smiled back at me "Of course darling, like I said before, I would never hurt you."

This time when we got into bed we immediately started to cuddle. "You know, you're the first girl I've ever cuddled Y/n." He stated out of nowhere. "Wait really? I know you've uhm slept with a lot of girls before so I just figured you've cuddled" I replied honestly.

"I know it seems like I've slept with a lot of girls, but I've really only slept with a few. Most of it is just for my image I suppose." I was honestly shocked at that, but I couldn't help but wonder what he saw in me.

"Draco, why do you even like me? I mean, you've never really been friendly with me, why the sudden change?" I turn to look at him. "Honestly Y/n it was because I was scared. I didn't grow up in a particularly emotionally vulnerable family, and so when I started to feel something for you I didn't want to let myself. You're the most beautiful, brilliant, and nicest girl I've ever met Y/n and I know deep down I'm not good enough for you. But I promise I will be."

I felt like I was in a dream. And if it was one, I sure as hell didn't want to wake up. "Did you smell me in Amortentia Dray?" I asked "Of course I did Y/n, but so did that disgusting Ravenclaw. I swear I wanted to punch his face in for even liking you." He stated "Calm down Draco, because do you want to know who I smelled? I looked him in the eyes, and just hummed in response "I smelled you."

We finally were falling asleep and everything felt perfect the way it was. I could definitely get used to this feeling.
The Next Morning:

I woke up with Draco's arms still around me. I didn't want to wake him, so I just laid there enjoying every moment.

I heard knocks on the door, so I carefully got out of bed making sure not to wake Draco. I opened the door to see Pansy. "Omg we need to hang out today! Get dressed let's go to the town together" she said as soon as she saw me "Okay give me a few minutes" she just said okay and left.

I walked over to my suit case with my clothes and just put on a skirt and a sweater. Not too hot, not too cold. Before I could leave Draco spoke up "Darling where are you going?" He asked. I turned around and walked towards him "Pansy invited me to town, and I didn't want to wake you" I answered honestly.

"Okay love, I want you to take this" he said handing me his credit card, "Draco no. I can't just take your credit card, it's your money not mine." I tried to reason with him. "Exactly. It's MY money, and I chose to let a very beautiful girl spend it. Besides it's my fathers really, and I dislike him very much" he laughed.

After more back and forth talking, I finally left with his credit card. I knew I wouldn't use it, but if it gave Draco peace of mind then so be it.

Me and Pansy made it to this small Café, I got an iced coffee and Pansy got matcha tea. "SO HOWS ROOMING WITH MALFOY" she yelled. "Merlin Pansy, be more quiet!!" I said anxiously looking around. "I have so much to tell you." I said excited.

After telling her about everything that's happened she just looked at me like I was crazy.
"So let me get this straight. Not only does Draco have a crush on you. But you two snogged, AND you're kind of dating?" She said trying to understand everything. "Yes, I can't believe this is my life Pansy!"

She looked at me for a second before she spoke "I hope you know you're paying, since you have Draco's card and all" she laughed. I guess since he did want me to use it, I might as well.

"We totally have to tell Theo about this Y/n!" Pansy looked at me laughing. Oh no. Theo. "We can't Pansy! He would never approve of this, you know how he is with me!" I pleaded. "Y/n he can't expect to control who you date. And besides it's not like he's your family or anything. He truly has no say." She shrugged. "I know but still. Just promise me you'll let me be the one to tell him if me and Dray work out"

"Of course Y/n. I would never betray your trust. But seriously, you call him dray now?" She started laughing at the nickname. "ITS CUTE!" I say in my defense.

sorry this is a bit of a shorter chapter :((
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