Villain and Hero?

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So I decided to make a ship I don't see often which is Evie X Jack. I know why I don't see it often but I was bored and I spun a wheel soo yeah!

I have no idea how this is going to work but I'm going to try! Also I don't know when this takes place. Yay?

Jacks pov

My head was aching as my eyes open. A bright light shined through and I was almost blinded by it, I sat up trying to see where I was. My vision was blurry and my body was hurting, I couldn't focus on anything. I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of this blurryness and weird pain but nothing worked. Every. Single. Movement. Hurt. Okay Jack, you're a post apocalyptic hero. You can be strong, it's fine, no need to panic, just find out where you are. Again I started to look around the room but this time my vision wasn't blurry. I scanned the room around me there was toy figures and cool outfits are the walls. It was a geeks heaven until I realized that I was in the house of my enemy Evie.

Oh no no no, this isn't good. What do I do, I'm trapped, nothing can get me out of this. It doesn't end like this does it? It can't my friends still need me... Right? I was lost in my thoughts until the door opened and there standing in the door was Evie. She just stood there with a bag filled with? Zombie brains, or something magical, a mind control device, anything it has to be evil.

"You woke up earlier than expected, How are you feeling?" She said as she walked over to me. What... Why is she being nice? It's a trick, right? "Earth to loser! I was asking you a question." I realized she was now sitting on her knees next to me but I didn't trust this. "Why am I here?" I mumbled to her while trying to scoot away. "You shouldn't move to much, it'll hurt more if you keep moving and it will take longer to heal."

"Why should I listen to you?"

I tried to stand but once I was up, my legs started to wobble and I could feel them giving out. I stumbled back right into Evie's arms, there was a chair in front of me so she carefully placed me there. I noticed the bag once again on the table but it didn't look like it had some dangerous in it. "Learned your lesson?" She snickered at me. I turned to look at her but she was sitting on the table with her legs crossed. "No I did not learn a lesson" I answered her back with a smile.

"There's snacks in the bag if you're hungry. I figured you might be since you got hurt pretty bad." I took the bag and saw it had oreos and a few other treats, I took the pack of oreos out and quietly ate them. The silence was awkward at the moment. We didn't speak, look, or even acknowledge each other. "Okay at some point we have to talk to each other even if we don't like it." I told her as she took an Oreo from the pack I was still eating.

"What's there to talk about? There is literally nothing that we need to speak about." She turned to face me with serious look on her face. She's kinda of pretty... WAIT no no nope. I almost choked on the oreo when that thought popped into my head. She looked confused on why I was acting strange but didn't really ask questions about it.

"How about I start with, Why am I here, Where are my friends, How did I get here and why are you being nice?! I pretty sure we have things to talk about Evie." I cleared my throat while readying myself for the worst answer.

"Okay let's start from the beginning, I was on a walk gathering more resources for meathook. I was coming out of the forest when I saw you and your friends fighting a monster. I kept quiet so I could leave with my stuff without getting in a fight but I stayed to watch the fight. You were on top of that dog of yours, the monster lashed out at you and your dog and ended up knocking you off. It ended up hitting your friends but they were okay. The monster buddies that were with you, took your friends back to Wakefield but your friends didn't want to leave you. I'm guessing the monsters thought you were dead and didn't want your friends to see your dead body. Your dog is also here by the way, he is currently recovering in the other room. I saw what happened so I ran over to see the damage, you were hurt badly but it wasn't anything I couldn't fix. Your dog didn't let me near you at first, I guess he remembered everything, but later on he ended up letting me close enough to help. Now you're here."

She took a soda out of the bag and took a sip then handed it to me "want some?". I grabbed the can and took a sip before handing it back. "Thanks for rescuing me, but that still doesn't answer why are you being so nice to me?"

Evie put the can down and looked away "I don't feel great about the whole trying to take over the world anymore but I've already done too much so there's no going back... I wish I could go back in time and change it but I can't."

I stared down at my hands, I didn't even know how to process all of this. It felt weird to be here and I didn't know what to say. I thought about Rover and how badly he was injured. "Evie, Can you go get Rover for me? Or can you take me to Rover?"

"You named him Rover? Also he is asleep at the moment."

I tried to stand again and this time I was able to stand for a bit. Evie helped me out of the room. She helped me into a bedroom and gently put me on the bed. My face was heating up as she sat down next to me. Rover was laying in the same room as me and Evie. He was gently snoring, but from what I could see his side was covered in bandages. "Evie, how badly did Rover get hurt?"

"He had a huge scar on his side. So after I was able to gain his trust to heal you, I needed to get him to trust me enough to sew the scar. He's been getting up to eat and drink but mostly has been laying here asleep. He also has a chipped ear. But it's also healing." She pointed out his scars from a distance.

" You should probably get some sleep now, it's pretty late." She stood up and headed for the door.

"Okay Thanks Evie..."

༺〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎The next day〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎༻
I was having a good dream until I felt a heavy force on my chest. I open eyes to see Rover trying to lay completely on me. "Hey buddy, how you feeling?" My voice came out raspy but he understood. I swung my legs to the side off the bed and slowly got up. I stumbled a bit but was able to regain my balance, Rover followed me out of the room. Evie was sitting on the couch reading a book. Probably about Rezzoch, or some servent of his.

"Goodmorning Evie," I said as I sat down next to her, "Whatcha reading?"

"Mhm? Oh hey Jack. I'm reading a book about so old history, nothing special. Also it's midnight."

"Oh I didn't notice, So when are my friends getting here?"

She looked over at me then Rover. Rover wobbled over and put his head on her lap while making a small whining noise. She petted his head while she spoke to me.

"Rover is still a little hurt but by next afternoon he'll be strong enough to get you back to Wakefield. I suggest you take it easy on him, he might be healed enough to get you home but he still needs to be watched in case of anything. Don't take him on dangerous missions until he is fully healed." She gave me a small smile.

I could see she was a little sad but I didn't understand why. "Hey Evie? Are you okay?"


I sat closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder, she looked down with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry about turning your friend into a zombie and all the other stuff that happened. I wish I could turn back time and fix this but I can't... Tell your friends I'm sorry."

I pulled her closer to me, she was silently sobbing while Rover sat there (confused af because humans are weird) staring at us.

"Evie, even though you did almost Zombifiy one of my friends. I still have some empathy for you."

"Thank you Jack..." She said as she drifted off to sleep. I layed her on side with my arm over her. Soon I fell asleep too

So that's the end of this chapter, kinda rushed at the end. I have a request I must do!

This chapter has 1633 words

Okay bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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