Arriving at Inaba

Start from the beginning

After this train, there's one more train I'll need to catch... Then I'll meet my uncle. He'll most likely take me straight to his house. My things should already be there... So I'll have to unpack... Oh, but with school starting tomorrow, I should just get the essentials instead of unpacking everything and go to bed... If he knows how to cook, then I can get that sorted while he cooks. But if we have something store bought then I'll eat with him and his daughter then head up...

The girl hummed to herself in thought, deciding that to be efficient. Now, on to make back up plans...

"We will be arriving at YasoInaba terminal in a few minutes," the train's PA system announced. "Passengers heading for Inaba City and YasoInaba terminal, please move to the other side of the platform."

Before she was even aware, her stop had arrived. Not terribly surprising, though, with all the train stations that essentially kept the islands together. It appeared, however, that they slowed for a few minutes and the precious minutes she wanted to nap were ticking.

Once the train stopped and the doors opened, she shuffled out with the rest of the passengers. She was able to slip out of the train with ease and made her way across the cement boarding station. Thankfully, her next train was already waiting for passengers, to which she and a few others climbed on board. Unlike the first sleek, subway, city train she rode on--this was more of a traditional train with connecting cars.

Stamping her ticket by the attendant, she walked down two train cars and quickly claimed a seat. Immediately, she plopped down on the comfy, leather seat. Her legs were throbbing with days of walking and standing... She didn't even bother to store away her bags on the overhead shelf. Not that she could reach it anyways, being a mere 5'2". The girl let out a long, exhausted sigh as her eyelids began to drag... The sound of a harp soothed her mind, nailing the final coffin. With a soft groan, the girl rested her head on the window next to her seat, drifting...

"Excuse me," a woman's voice suddenly spoke, tapping the girl's shoulder.

Jolting awake, the girl looked to the owner of the voice and met eyes with a gorgeous woman. Her eyes were practically glowing a mesmerizing gold, that was almost reflected by her pale skin, platinum-blonde curly hair tucked neatly under a train attendant's cap. She stood out quite a bit with her somewhat tight, violet blue uniform; golden buttons standing out even more against the dark canvas. Clearing her throat, the girl removed her earphones and adjusted in her seat.

Pulling out an old, tattered book of sorts from her left arm, she pointed to a blank line. "Sign here, please."

The girl stared at it blankly for a moment before looking back to the woman. The woman stared at her with a similar expression and pulled out a pen. Feeling cloudy, the girl slowly grabbed the pen and hesitantly signed her name.

The woman pulled the book close to her and read the girl's signature. "Narukami, written in 'become god'... Hitomi, written in 'eye'. Hitomi Narukami, 'ever-seeing god'..."

Hitomi swallowed in response, a bit embarrassed to hear her name read aloud. The woman closed the book and gestured for her to stand.

"Please follow me. The Master is expecting you."

Hitomi blinked at the instructions, slowly standing up as if she was pulled by another force. She couldn't find her voice in this confusing exchange and didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble... so she simply obeyed, hoping to have whatever was happening done and over with.

The woman turned around and began walking down the train car, her violet blue heels clanking with each step. Hitomi followed, slowly taking note of the sudden change in her environment.

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