Chapter 4

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        | ~ Zara ~ |

" Finally it's finished " I said , smiling to myself . God ! I am such a impatient person, the story I was reading right now was so awesome that I couldn't restrain myself and as a consequence I completed the whole book today itself .

I finished two novels today and both of them were really  enchanting .

I smiled to myself while remembering the stories and put the book on their respective places .

I decided to check the time . As soon as  I took out my phone and checked the time I realised that I had literally spent  seven hours in the library .

The most terrifying thing is that mom has already called me 30 times .

God ! Please save me I promise I will not keep my phone in silent mode again from the next time .

I gathered some courage and called my mom .

Within two rings she picked up the call ,  as expected she did not give me a chance to say anything and started yelling " You idiot ! When will you come back ? Are you still in your imaginary world with your new fictional boyfriend ? Come back within 10 minutes I am warning you . If you don't come back in 10 mins then my chappal ( shoe ) is waiting for you .

Your time starts now  " and then again she hung up the call without giving me a chance to say something .

I hurriedly exited the library , took my cycle and started riding in a high speed .

God ! Please save me . You only tell me god what can I do about it .

When I start reading a book , I get too much immersed in that imaginary world that I forgot about the real world only .

In books I image to live the life of the main female lead because in reality I know that I can never be the real character.

  The books give me the access to escape from the harsh reality .

It is one of the reason of my sanity .

I somehow managed to reach home within 10 mins and as expected as soon as I entered , I was encountered by mom's yells for the next half an hour .

I somehow managed to cool her down .

After having some food , I went upstairs to check whether I have got any acceptance email or not .

Well I really want to pursue my career as a author so I decided to do honours on English especially literature .

So yesterday I have applied in The Moscow State University of Russia .

Gosh ! I am so nervous . This much that I have kept my laptop open for the last 45 mins and still I am not able to gather courage to see the results .

After another 10 mins , I somehow managed to gather courage and finally opened the email . I noticed that I got a g mail from the University .

God ! I am so nervous please I want them to accept me . As I opened it  , I squealed in happiness .

It was written in bold letters


This time I couldn't help and yelled loudly in happiness and started dancing .

" Ahhh ! I got selected " I screamed more loudly . I could hear hurried footsteps coming towards my room .

At the next moment , the door opened with a loud bang and I saw my whole family standing there with a worried look .

I ignored them and continued my dance .

Soon I heard Jaiveer saying " I knew you are mad . But it is going out of the level " " Yes I agree with Jaiveer. I told you all before that if we send her to the mental asylum beforehead then she could be cured but now I think even if we send her and appoint best doctors , then also she can't be cured " Rajveer said pretending to shook his head in remorse .

I totally ignored them and hugged my mom while squealing .

I heard my dad saying " What happened my princess ? Why are you dancing around ? " .

I didn't say anything and hugged my dad and said excitedly " Dad I got accepted in the Moscow State University of Russia . I am so happy . I will go there next week to complete my studies " .

As soon as I finished my words I saw everyone's face illuminating with a different kind of happiness and proudness .

At the next moment only , dad and uncle started calling and telling about it to everyone proudly .

Mom and aunty hugged me and rushed downstairs to bring sweets .

Rajveer gave me a smile and told " I will start distributing sweets in the whole neighborhood finally you are going "and started heading downstairs .

Jaiveer also headed downstairs behind him yelling " Wait I will help you in this auspicious work " . I shook my head  and smiled in their silliness .

After having an awesome dinner , I went to my room and tugged myself in my bed .

Honestly if I say then I am very happy and my happiness went to another level when I saw everyone's proud face .

But right now all I feel is sad and depressed .

Sad because I am going to be away from my family and depressed because I fear that there also I will be judged again due to my weight .

I should stop thinking about all these ,  because my anxiety is rising again again .

Zara stop overthinking . I tried to calm myself and I somehow managed to succed to do so.

From childhood whenever someone called me fat , that time my family was always there to comfort and defend me . But this time the situation is quite different .

I am going to stay away from my family for the first time and I am afraid that like everytime there in Russia they will not to present to provide comfort to me .

I just wish to have beautiful memories there .

I took my phone to see the time and soon my eyes were the edge of popping out .

It's 12 of midnight right now . Like a shameless person , I have been overthinking from the last 2 hrs .

I should sleep now . Nothing will happen there Zara , you will have a great time in Russia .

I comforted myself and soon drifted myself to my dreamland .

| ~ Author ~ |

With all these thaughts , Zara finally feel asleep. 

Next day , when she woke up and checked the time . Her eyes were again at the edge of popping out .

" Shit ! It's 9 am " She exclaimed loudly and started running towards the bathroom but halted and checked the time again and whispered to herself with a astonished face " It's 9 am only . Why mom is not yelling to wake me up ? . I think today she is in a good mood  " .

She smiled cheekily to herself , shurgging of all thaughts and went to fresh up .

After freshening up and getting ready , she went downstairs and the atmosphere infront of her left her in total shock .........

To be continued

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There will both Zara and Lucifer' s POV in the next chapter . And I will try to make it long .

Just a request to all my readers please don't be be silent reader and tell me if you are liking it or not . Point out my mistakes I will appreciate that .

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