Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

        "Legolas!" she exclaims as she joins me in laughter, placing her paintbrush down, "You scared me!"

        I bury my face in the crook of her neck, attempting to hide the massive smile on my lips. I tighten my arms around her small waist, wanting to hold her in my arms and never let her go. I feel her as she rests her hands on my arms, leaning into my touch willingly. "Please forgive me, my queen," I tease her quietly, brushing my nose along the length of her neck until my lips are grazing her ear.

        "I did not know you would be back so soon," she says breathlessly as she turns in my arms to face me.

        My breath is taken from me as she rests her loving gaze upon me. Her eyes are so bright, reminding me of the rolling green hills of the Shire that the hobbits so happily described. Freckles are splayed across her cheeks and nose, a trait that is most unheard of in elves. Her small pink lips are resting in a naturally magnificent smile. My chest constricts painfully as the truth of just how much I missed her hits me, and I pull her body completely against mine.

        "I could only stay so many months in Rivendell," I tell her, "It is not nearly as bright and beautiful without you there with me."

        "I wish to accompany you next time. Rivendell has always been a place of tranquility for me."

        I nod in understanding, thinking of the soft sunshine, the bright colored flowers, and the peaceful gurgling sound of several waterfalls. "I agree. Rivendell is much more open and serene than Mirkwood."

        Eilonwy leans in and kisses my jaw tenderly. "'Tis true, but Mirkwood is my home, our home. I would not change our lives for anything."

        I fall silent for a moment, noticing a strange gleam in her eyes. "What is wrong, my darling?" I ask her, becoming slightly concerned.

        Her eyes meet mine. "During your absence, I have been thinking quite a lot," she says uncertainly,

        I squeeze her hands in mine. "I am your husband. You can tell me anything."

        Her gaze flits around the room, refusing to meet mine. "I-" she begins, then sighs and brings her hands up to cover her face in embarrassment, "Glosseth looks so happy with her newborn son, and I cannot help but... but wish that I could have a baby, too."

        I stare at her in complete shock, not expecting her to be so upset over something like this. I step closer to her, taking her hands away from her face so that I can look into her eyes, but she continues to avoid my gaze even when I take her face into my hands delicately. "Eilonwy, my love," I begin softly, my voice barely a whisper, "I, also, desire a child. Have you not thought of that? I would be the happiest ellon in all of Middle Earth to have a child with you. Honestly, I have always hoped for a large family, if that is what you would also like. How could you ever assume any differently?"

        She finally meets my gaze sadly. "I did not doubt your want of a child," she says, tears brimming in her eyes, "We have been married for almost a year, Legolas, and I still have not become pregnant. Glosseth was with child only a month after her marriage. I cannot help but worry that I may never have a child."

        I wrap my arms around her small waist, and she clings to me in sorrow. I lay my head on top of hers, feeling her immense pain. I hate seeing her upset. I want to promise her things endlessly, but I know that I have no say in whether we will be blessed with a child or not. "Glosseth's situation was rare. Elves usually do not become pregnant until many moons after marriage. I am sure that Eru Ilúvatar will bless us with a child; it is just not yet the right time. I am traveling constantly, and I would not wish for you to raise our child all alone."

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