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Gabriella's POV:

"Hey mom! I'm home" I call out, smiling genuinely. I close the front door of the house behind me and take a few steps into the living room where mom usually was when I got back home from school.

Surprisingly, no one was there.

"Mom? Are you home?" I call out, my voice echoes through our fairly large house. Where is mom?

"Elizabeth?" I call again. Elizabeth is my moms name. By "mom", I mean 'adopted mom'. I was told the familiar story on my 10th birthday about how Elizabeth Johnson had a miscarriage and went to the adoption center to adopt a child. 

She claims that once her eyes landed on me, she knew I would be a perfect fit for her. At the time, it was just her living at this house but she explained she had a divorce from her ex-husband a few years before I was adopted.

Sometimes, I ask about my biological family but she didn't have any answers. It would be nice to know why I was put up for adoption but I understand that Elizabeth doesn't know anything about my past before she saw me.

That's why I call her mom. She is basically my mom. She raised me, gave me food, a roof over my head, fed me when I was hungry, wiped away my tears whenever I cried, gave me advice, spent time with me. She was the best mom I could've ever asked for. It was 'us against the world' as she always told me.

That was... until a few years ago. Unfortunately, she had turned to alcohol. I was around 14 at this time so I understood the negative effects alcohol could have on someone's body but I never thought I would watch the closest person to me experience them.

Mom used to drink a small glass every Friday evening as a 'treat' she would call it. However, those small glass' turned into large ones and those once a weeks turned into everyday. 

Now, there hasn't been a day in 2-3 years where she hasn't drank ATLEAST half a bottle of alcohol.

Not only is alcohol bad for you but it costs a lot. I'm surprised we still own this large house....

Normally, I come home and mom would be sitting in the living/lounge room, drinking her alcohol, watching some tv, etc. She shouts at me a lot but I know she doesn't mean it. She would never harm me intentionally but sometimes words can hurt too.

She would often refer to me as 'ungrateful' or call me words no person should ever hear, let alone a 14 year old girl. Occasionally, she says I'm not blood related to her so she doesn't care about me. Those ones hurt the most as I thought I was one of the most important things in her life but I know she doesn't mean it. It's the alcohol.... right?

"Mom?" I ask, walking up the stairs to her bedroom. I knock twice before entering but much to my dismay, it's empty. Where did she go? Maybe she went to the store?

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