journey to hell

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"Stella's point of view,"

"Ethan Woods, who do you think you are?" I rubbed my wrists as I glared fiercely at him.
He can't just impose himself on me like that. Other than our contractual relationship, there is nothing between us that would allow him to assert his rights against me. I warned him repeatedly, but to feed his ego, he left a hickey mark on my neck.

What exactly is he trying to prove? His way of thinking is quite terrible. How is it he can accuse me of something so heinous?
Does he think I'm only seeing my partner for a romantic encounter?
Do my feelings not matter?
Oh my God, what am I thinking? Even though I don't even have a boyfriend, I made up a scenario to pique Ethan's enmity.

Yet, given his recent behavior, I am scared. If he responded in this way to my fabrication, imagine how he will act if he learns the truth about my past.
What does he have to do with me, and why would he react knowing about my past? He only feels affection for his ex-girlfriend; I am his nobody.

Then why did he give you a hickey on your neck?
Do you still have the impression that he has no affection for you? Did you not see that he was getting angry while you were praising your fake boyfriend in front of him?
Don't give me false optimism; I know fully that he did everything to appease his ego. I disregarded my subconscious.

If he gets close to me, my entire body acts weirdly, and whenever he touches me, I feel like I have no control over my body. After all, why do I give myself over to him the second I sense his warm breath? I'm feeling frustrated with myself as I ask myself the questions that are popping up in my head.

"Where are you going, Mrs. Woods?" I don't want to continue spending time with this man. I should avoid this man until I fully comprehend the emotions I'm experiencing. I disregarded him and kept walking in the hill's direction.

"Tell me where you're going, Stella." He pursued me.

"Would you like to accompany me on my journey to hell?" I gave him a furious glare.

"No, I'm fine here on the island, and I don't want to go to hell. Instead, why don't you ask your boyfriend whether he would be willing to join you in hell?" He replied with a shoulder shrug.

I'll lose my cool if I continue to babble with this man for a while.
I do not want anyone to witness Ethan Woods' skeleton if they ever visit this island I made quick progress in the hill's direction.

I exhaled a sigh of relief once I was sure Ethan Woods wasn't anywhere near me. I have to stop spending time with him. I don't know why, but once I am near him, I seem to forget everything else. For me, that man is a disaster. I have a strong emotional attraction toward him, yet all he does is flirt.

I don't want to make the same mistakes I did in the past. I've already experienced romantic betrayal. My heart still bears the scars of that betrayal. How then can I make the same error again? My emotions must be under control. I'm not allowed to approach Ethan Woods.

But how can I avoid him when there is no one else on this isolated island besides us both?
You can do it. There is nothing you can not accomplish. You must put Ethan Woods out of your thoughts. A positive internal monologue urged me on.

Sure, I can avoid him. I will keep myself occupied by finishing all the work that is on my to-do list. I'm a financial advisor, and I usually tell people to invest in any of these when they see a profit. My emotions are just as significant to me as money, so how can I invest them in someone like Ethan Woods, especially given that I know fully that doing so will cause my loss?

Whatever my feelings for him, maybe I must immediately show him I am not affected by his presence. After much deliberation, I turned around and headed back toward the hut.

"Mrs. Woods, I'm very relieved to see you again. I've missed you." When he saw me, he breathed deeply.

I have to ignore that haughty man, so I did. I am not bothered by his existence. I kept telling myself to stop thinking about Ethan Woods in my subconscious.

"Why aren't you speaking to me, Mrs. Woods?" I brushed off his query and kept working when he approached and took a position in front of me.

"You best not bother me while I'm working on something incredibly essential," I replied without glancing at him and kept working.

"Why won't you speak to me at all right now?" When I looked at his face I got the feeling that a child was getting more and more eager to talk to his mother.
Even though he looks sad, you don't feel sorry for him because you know that if you talk to him, he'll start bothering you again. Even though my subconscious typically tells me to stay close to Ethan Woods, I'm unsure of why it's so supportive of my choice this time.

I cannot stop myself from talking to this man if he continues to give me those puppy eyes, and I will have to take all the necessary precautions to stay away from him.
I quickly exited the hut, leaving him in peace.

I shouldn't waste time thinking about this man; instead, I should consider how I might return my company to profitability once I leave this island.
I began jotting down the thoughts racing through my head on the beach sand with the help of a stick. I began creating my action plan by listing some of the best ideas on the top list after writing a list of all my thoughts on the sand.

My business has suffered a great loss. I'll have to put in a lot of effort to get my business back on track. All of these results from Ethan Woods. He has done all in his power to destroy my business.
I don't want to think about him. I just need to concentrate on my task.

The moment I thought about Ethan Woods, my brain gave me a warning. To design my master plan, I need a large space. After I ran out of space on the surrounding sand to write anything, I began drawing the rest of my idea close to my hut.

"Mrs. Woods, what are you doing this?" He emerged from the hut and regarded me with perplexed eyes.
Oh my God, why can't this man see I'm not paying attention to him?
I entered the hut and began setting up for the evening meal without responding to his query.

In the evening, the huts inside darkness deepened. I scattered the worms in the box on the hut's floor.

"You are just fantastic, Mrs. Woods." His jaw dropped open in shock as soon as he stepped into the hut. Even though I ought to have thanked him when he complimented me, I didn't since I had to entirely ignore Ethan Woods and keep working.

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