The Big, Bad Wolf

Start from the beginning

"Would the Doctor and Celestia please come to the Diary Room?" a voice from above asked. A silver door opens and the Doctor and Celestia go in. They found out that the room was black with a black circles sticking out and pink carpeting. There was a single red chair, which the Doctor sat in and Celestia sat in his lap. They both stared at the camera in dislike and confusion.

"You are live on channel forty-four thousand. Please do not swear." The voice warned them.

"You have got to be kidding." The Doctor groaned as he took a peek at the screen.

"I'm afraid not Charming, we are in a reality tv show and I'm guessing a really sh-bad one." Celestia complained before getting up and leaving the room in a hurry. The Doctor followed closely behind her. Celestia began to snoop around as the Doctor tried opening every door and locked area that he saw.

"I can't open it." The Doctor said, as he tried to open a door that would not budge, not even a bit.

"It's got a deadlock seal, ever since Big Brother five hundred and four when they all walked out. You must remember that." The blonde told him as Celestia re-joined his side. He looked at her and she shook her head; she found nothing useful nor an exit that they could use. They walked over to another corner of the room.

"What about this?" Celestia asked the blonde, pointing to an alcove with a picture of a woman in it.

"Oh, that's exoglass. You'd need a nuclear bomb to get through." The happy blonde said to her with a smile on her face that reminded Celestia of someone, but she couldn't remember exactly who, it was all still blurry and confusing.

"Don't tempt me." The Doctor muttered under his breath. Celestia snorted at his words before tapping on it.

"I know you're not supposed to talk about the outside world, but you must've been watching." The blonde whispered to them. "Do people like me? Lynda. Lynda with a Y, not Linda with an I. She got forcibly evicted because she damaged the camera. Am I popular?" she asked them, eager for an answer.

"I don't remember." The Doctor told her.

"Oh, but does that mean I'm nothing? Some people get this far just because they're insignificant. Doesn't anybody notice me?" she questioned them worriedly.

"No, you're nice and very kind. Obviously, you're pretty and engaging. You're sweet. Everybody thinks you're sweet." Celestia blurted out, smiling at the girl. "You're not nothing, you Lynda are doing great." She reassured the girl.

Lynda gave them a surprised look before smiling bashfully. "Oh, is that right? Is that what I am? Oh, no one's ever told me that before. Am I sweet? Really?" she asked them, a surprised yet touched smile on her face.

The Doctor nodded his head. "Yeah. Dead sweet." he said with a grin. 

"Thank you." She said, giving them a bright smile. Celestia was suddenly reminded of Rose, how her and Lynda both shared that same smile.

The Doctor turned his attention to a dark wall with red stripes on it. "It's a wall. Isn't there supposed to be a garden out there or something?" the Doctor asked, going towards it. Lynda and Celestia follow him.

"Don't be daft. No one's got a garden anymore. Who's got a garden? Don't tell me you've got a garden." Lynda gasped in delight. Celestia was confused on why she was so surprised about having a garden. Her and Rose had their very own garden in the Tardis, they wanted their own space away from the boys. It was a relaxing activity that they enjoyed, they gossiped and played around in the dirt. It was honestly the best, Celestia was surprised on how much she loved it. A sudden barrage of other memories invaded her, how they got here and who exactly was missing.

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