"Yep, had some extra time today," Charlotte replied with a casual shrug. Her attention then
shifted to Marcus. "Oh hey, Marcus."

"Hey," Marcus replied with a nod.

Charlotte launched into her usual spirited monologue. "Can you believe school is about to start again? It feels like summer raced by – blame those adorable kittens for making time fly!"

Charlotte was back to her normal crazy self. At least she seemed oblivious to their newfound relationship, Lily thought.

The three of them were stationed in the same room, caring for the shelter's animals. Lily and Charlotte chatted away, exchanging the usual banter.

"Lily, you know I've got pretty good grades, right?" Charlotte suddenly asked.

"Yeah, why?" Lily responded, curious.

"Do you think I'm clueless?" Charlotte sighed. "I could spot you and Marcus a mile away – seriously, you two are dating, right?"

Lily was taken aback. How had Charlotte figured it out so quickly?

"Now you both look stunned. Perfect match, truly. And Marcus, don't think I don't notice your better grades," Charlotte playfully pointed at him.

"How did you know?" Lily inquired. "Were we that obvious?"

"Yes and no. Remember when I said I could spot you from a mile away? Well, I literally saw you two holding hands from that window as you came in," Charlotte smirked.

Lily felt a little embarrassed for not considering that there were windows. She resolved to be more discreet from now on. But she was glad Charlotte knew – she was her closest friend.

At times like this she missed Davina. Davina had been her confidante, the one she shared all her secrets with and the one she trusted the most. Riley had also been supportive. Yet, Davina had been her anchor, her closest ally, her best friend, even if they never officially labeled it.

"We just started dating yesterday, but we wanted to keep it quiet for a while. Having you know is actually a relief," Lily grinned, hugging Charlotte, who reciprocated.

"Don't think a hug will make me forgive you so easily," Charlotte chuckled.

It was moments like these that made Lily appreciate her friends.

While this unfolded, Marcus found himself on the periphery, a third wheel in the interaction.

Observing Marcus, Charlotte glanced at him and teased, "You know, maybe you should ditch Marcus, and we could start dating. What do you say?"

Laughter erupted between Lily and Charlotte, but Marcus didn't join in. He stared daggers at Charlotte, unamused by her playful suggestion.

And just like that, the dynamic shifted, and they became frenemies, playfully vying for Lily's attention. It marked the beginning of a unique camaraderie among the trio.

They started hanging out in no time, and despite the occasional cat-and-dog vibe between Marcus and Charlotte, they eventually eased into each other's company. All for the sake of Lily, they both reasoned.

For Marcus, though, there were moments when he wished he could have Lily all to himself, just like they used to. He occasionally felt like Charlotte's discovery had glued them together, and he longed for more one-on-one time with Lily.

One day, his wish came true when Lily agreed to a date without bringing Charlotte along. "That's my girl," Marcus thought triumphantly.

As they enjoyed their time together, Marcus and Lily found themselves alone at last. "You do realize I see you both exchanging glares, right?" Lily chuckled, breaking the silence.

Marcus flashed a mischievous grin. "Well, lucky for you, I'm an amazing boyfriend who gets along with your friends."

With a playful smirk, Lily fired back, "And I could be an equally amazing girlfriend to your nonexistent friends."

He leaned in, the air brimming with a mix of teasing and affection. "You know what? You're probably right."

Lily, seizing the opportunity, inched closer to Marcus. Their secret corner was at a stunning park beside a tranquil lagoon.

The noon sun danced on the water's surface, ducks and birds lending their melodies to the serene backdrop. The gentle rustle of the grass and the sweet aroma of blooming flowers mingled in the breeze and Marcus wondered whether it came from the Lily or the flowers.

Seated on the ground, Marcus patted the space beside him, and Lily settled into his lap. With their hands intertwined, they found themselves entwined in more ways than one.

"Want me to tell you how you can be an amazing girlfriend?" Marcus whispered, his eyes locked onto hers.

"Maybe... maybe not," Lily playfully replied, a glint of desire in her eyes.

He leaned closer, a soft laugh escaping him. "Oh, I know you want to."

And just like that, their lips met in a lingering kiss. They eased onto the grass, the world around them fading away as the sensation of their connection took over. Lily found herself lying atop Marcus, his touch igniting a warmth that danced along her skin.

The grass cradled them, and the gentle caress of the wind only added to the magic of the moment. It was a kiss that spoke of secrets shared and a future untold, a kiss that painted the beginning of a beautiful journey together.

Amidst the gentle rustling of leaves and the fragrance of nearby flowers, Marcus and Lily shared a lingering kiss by the lagoon. They reclined on the grass, bathed in the warm embrace of the sun, with Lily gracefully atop him.

Marcus's hands, tender yet strong, traced paths of desire on her back as their kiss deepened. In this stolen moment, nature itself seemed to recognize the significance of their connection, cradling them in a sanctuary of emotion.

Time bent to their will, and as the sun painted the sky with evening hues, their hearts echoed a promise of a future woven together, sealed with a kiss.

A/N: Don't forget to comment and vote! :)
Instagram: tessiadedella_

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