the search

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"Are you sure we'll be able to finish this all day?!" Mina's voice dripped with boredom as she swiped through the large tablet in her hand.

"I don't know what schemes she's concocting this time, but this is the least we can do," Momo replied, her tone carrying a mix of determination and resignation.

"And how does sifting through these transfer students' records connect to the threats we've been receiving? Will we unveil the identity of the anonymous message sender by digging into this year's newcomers?" Mina's face twisted in a mix of skepticism and tedium. "I'd honestly prefer digging around in Minecraft than this," she quipped, evoking a chuckle from Momo.

After a few more minutes of searching, the lounge door swung open abruptly, revealing Sana with a stern expression.

"Did you manage to uncover anything suspicious?" she inquired, her gaze shifting between her friends. However, both Mina and Momo could only shake their heads, their eyes returning to the tablet's screen. Sana sighed heavily, sinking into one of the couches. The weight of the message from the previous night still hung heavily on her mind.

"Why? What's troubling you? I thought the number was already reported to the authorities?" Momo queried, rising to her feet to fetch drinks and snacks for the group, while Mina retreated to her phone, evidently ready to engage in some game.

Sana's reply carried a determined edge, "Well, yes. But letting the culprit go unchecked isn't something I'm willing to accept." Her words elicited shock from Mina and Momo.

"The culprit? Are you suddenly trying to become a detective now? You don't understand how dangerous it could be to pursue someone who's clearly unhinged," Momo exclaimed, her concern evident.

Although not officially confirmed yet, this was Sana's way of rallying their assistance in searching for the mysterious biological Kim. She couldn't directly approach them and ask for help, so she had to weave a narrative that would drive them to assist her.

"Think about it, though. This anonymous sender dares to challenge us, despite being aware of our families' influence. Somehow, I've convinced myself that there's a link to that unknown royal member in all of this," Mina analyzed, her expression serious as her gaze rested on the unused desk in the corner.

"That theory holds water. It's suspicious for someone to emerge out of thin air and bombard us with threats, hoping to rattle us," Momo concurred.

However, the more they discussed, the more complex the situation seemed to become for Sana. The web of intrigue only grew denser, leaving her more bewildered than before.

If my sister truly is the last remaining royal member, could she possibly be targeting me? The notion gnawed at Sana's thoughts, the tendrils of suspicion curling around her mind. It was conceivable that she, too, might have been adopted into another family, providing a potential explanation for the cryptic message. But if it truly was her behind this, could her motives extend to revenge for me taking my place within the Kim household? Questions tumbled over one another in Sana's mind, an unending cascade of uncertainties.

And then there was the issue of funding. Could our father be involved in backing her endeavors? But that's impossible, Father was fond of me. Could it be Mom? Did she possess any inkling of her actions? The web of possibilities continued to spin, each thread leading to another knot of doubt.

Sana's mind raced, each thought like a piece of a puzzle she was trying to fit together. But the image remained incomplete, the edges blurred by the fog of speculation. The more she pondered, the deeper she seemed to delve into a labyrinth of her own making.

Momo carefully placed the food on the coffee table, a display of support as the trio engaged in this serious discussion.

"Yeah, that's exactly why I'm reaching out to you guys about this issue. What if that ridiculous threat is aware of our backgrounds? I mean, our family histories or anything connected to our businesses? This isn't a time for relaxation. We need to track her down. Otherwise..." Sana's voice trailed off, her eyes shifting between Momo and Mina, conveying the gravity of the situation. Mina swiftly picked up the thread, her expression mirroring her concern. After all, their social standing and affluence were integral to their identity.

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