Season 2, Ep. 2: Our friend, Ember.

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Arcus, Ottis and Ember is at Arcus' house in his bedroom. They have video games but they chose to play Truth Or Dare for some reason.

"I choose truth." Arcus says, smiling. "Alright! What is... Your guilty pleasure?" Ottis looks at Arcus and giggles. "Hm... My guilty pleasure is... Being gay." Arcus laughs, along with Ottis and Ember. "My turn!" Arcus says. "Ember. Truth or dare?" He looks at Ember. "Truth." Says Ember. "Truth again? You guys are pussies!" They laugh. "Anyways... Ember, do you have a crush on anyone?" Arcus smirks. "A crush?! Well, actually... I do!.." Ember says. "Who is it?" Ottis asks. Arcus and Ottis listens carefully. "It's uh... I don't think... I don't think I want to say it." Ember says, a little nervous but she is smiling. "Aw. Joykill." Ottis says in dissappointment, but respects Ember.

Ember's phone rings. Someone is calling her. "Guys, I'll go take care of this for a sec." She then walks out of the room.

"Who is it... Oh. It's my mom." She picks the call up.

"Hey mom."

"Sweetie, where are you?"

"I'm at my friend's house. Why'd you call me?"

"Someone's at the front door. He says he wants to meet you! Who is he?"

("Shit...") "I- it's just a friend. I'll go there as soon as possible."

"Alright then. Becareful!"

"Thanks mom. Goodbye."

Ember hangs up and gets back into the room in a fast pace. "Hey boys. I have to go. My mom's calling me." Ember says as she sees Arcus and Ottis making out. "Y- yeah. Sure. S- see ya-" Arcus says to her, awkwardly.

Ember storms out of the room and quickly head home. Once she arrived there, she sees the person standing in the front door. The person waves at her. Ember gets closer. "Lucius! I didn't expect you to be visiting." Ember says, catching her breath. "Where were you? You got me worried..." Lucius says as he puts his hand on Ember's hair, fixing it for her. "I was just hanging out with my friends."... "...Friends?.." Lucius asks. "Yeah. Arcus and Ottis of course." A frown started to appear on Lucius' face. "You were hanging out with that monster around? You could've gotten hurt. You know how dangerous they are..." Lucius looks worried. "Lucius, please. He isn't a monster. He's just like you... Like all of us." Ember tries to make Lucius understand. Lucius looked a bit angry. He stays quiet. "Want to come in? I have lots of free time today." Ember tries to smile with Lucius. "Sure thing..." He replied.

They went into the bedroom and locked the door. "My mom's still here. So don't be too rough." Ember says to Lucius. He nods.


Morning arrives. Ember opens her eyes and sees a note on her chest. She picks it up.

"You fell asleep first. Sorry I had to go. Left you something. Oh and good morning cutie.

Ember sighs. But she smiles a bit. She sees the chocolate bar next to the note and picks it up.

Time passes by, she's at school. It was lunch time. She sat in the cafeteria alone, eating the chocolate bar Lucius gave to her. Arcus and Ottis sees Ember and decided to join her. "Ember! Where'd you get that chocolate?" Ottis asks. "From some store or something. It's not that expensive, really." Ember replied to Ottis, smiling. "Have you seen Lucius today?.. We haven't seen him the whole day." Arcus speaks a little quieter. "I don't know. Probably sick or something." Ember feels worried. Ottis stays quiet.

The trio stays quiet for a while until Arcus started to talk. "Hey... Do you think... That Lucius might have a family member that is... Dead?" Arcus says, quietly. "I've never actually seen nor met his family before..." Says Ember. Ottis stays silent but listens carefully. "I'm just wondering... He might've experienced some terrible things as a child. But we shouldn't jump to conclusions..." Arcus whispers. "I can help ask him." Ember speaks up. "Really? Are you sure?" Arcus asks. "Yeah. It might hurt him but... We need something atleast... So that we could possibly help him." Ember says. Arcus nods, along with Ottis. Ottis looks slightly nervous. Arcus calms him down by hugging him.

The bell rings.

Ember walks home. She checks her phone to chat with Lucius.

"Bored. Can I come ovr?"

"No i'll come to your house"

"i wanna talk ltr"

"About what"

"I said ltr"

"Alright then love you"

"Love u too"

Ember sighs. She puts her phone in her pocket.

When she arrived home, she enters her house. She sees her mother... teaching Lucius how to cook? "Uh... I'm home-" Ember says to them. "Oh, hey sweetie! Lucius here came by and wanted me to teach him how to cook so he won't be such a burden when he marries you!" Her mother giggles. "Mom..." Ember sighs but she felt happy. "Hey there, Ember. Want to try out my cooking? I'm sure you'll like it." Lucius smiles at Ember. "Sure. But if I throw up, I'm throwing up on you." Says Ember, jokingly.

She sits down at the dinner table and looks at all the food that Lucius had cooked. "You must've had lots of fun, huh?" Ember giggles. Lucius smiles amd blushes. "Well what're you waiting for? Eat up!" He sounds very happy. Ember proceeds to eat the food that Lucius had cooked. "It's... not bad. Surprisingly." Ember says. "Come on..." Says Lucius, who looks slightly dissappointed. "I'm just joking. This tastes amazing! I think I'll be able to finish this all up!" Ember laughs. Lucius looks happier now.

Once they ate all the food, it was time for Ember to talk to Lucius. "Hey mom. I'll be upstairs with Lucius. We need to have a talk." Ember looks at her mom. "Okay sweetie, have fun." Her mother smiles.

Ember brings Lucius to her bedroom and they sat down on the bed. "Why do you look serious?" Lucius asks. "Nothing. I have a question..." Ember takes a deep breath. Lucius stays quiet and lets her talk. "Do you have any... Family members that had died?.. You don't need to answer if-" She gets interrupted. "Yeah. I do. A lot, actually." A frown starts to appear on Lucius' face. "I only have my younger sister with me." Lucius says as he tries to hold back tears. "If you mind, may I know how they died?.." Ember looks sad. Lucius stays silent for a while. "Monsters. Those fucking monsters of course. If the people around wasn't just too goddamn guillable. For centuries, the hybrids had lived with us this whole time. But it's like, they never knew the dark secrets behind those innocent fucking monsters. Everyone's an asshole." Lucius starts to cry, quietly. "Arcus will get murdered by that stupid partner of his. He's too dumb to see it." Lucius is angry, still crying his tears out. Ember rubs his shoulder gently, soothing him. "Lucius... Ottis is not a monster like the ones that... Ended your family..." Ember says. "And why the fuck are you on his side?!" Lucius says as he pushes Ember's hand away. He realises what he's doing and tries to calm himself down. "Shit. Sorry- Ember- I'm... Really really sorry..." He says, looking at Ember. Ember looks away, crying silently. "I'll leave..." Lucius says, as he wipes his tears away and gets out of the room.

"Fuck..." Says Lucius, walking aggresively in a fast pace.

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