Season 2, Ep. 1: A problem that gets bigger.

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"Mmm..."... I let out a small moan as Ottis rubs his hands on my chest. "Keep going." I said. Ottis slowly brings his hand down, getting closer to my groin. Then I...

"Huh?..." Arcus wakes up. "Oh... It was a wet dream... Hadn't felt that in a while..." Arcus gets up and goes to the bathroom. "Fuck. I'm horny..." Arcus was just starting to do it, but he is interrupted by his phone. Ottis is calling him.

"Good morning!" Ottis says, happily.

"What is it?.."

"Nothing really. Just wanted to check on you. We never really call much, don't we?"

"Yeah... Oh hey, I dreamt of you last night."


"Yeah. And I made a mess because of it. I'm going to blame it on you."

"You're blaming me for being sooo so so so hot for you to handle? Sure." Ottis giggles.

"Hehe... I'm busy now. We'll meet later. See ya."

"Goodbye Arcus."

Arcus hangs up and sighs. But he's also blushing. He quickly gets ready for school.

Like always, he walks to school with Ottis together. They have conversations and stuff.

Once they arrived at school, they go through the entrance. There wasn't many people there yet. They were early. But they saw someone that they hope wasn't early.

"Hey lovebirds!" Lucius yells at them. "Shit..." Arcus sighs. "So, Arcus. Is this why you were protecting him? Because you love him? Even though he is a monster?" Lucius says with an evil face. Arcus stays silent for a while but then speaks up. "Ottis is not a monster." Arcus says, filled with anger but he is still patient. Ottis tries to speak up but is terrified. "Arcus, you know all hybrids are just monsters. Remember the one that murdered your-"... "Stop it, Lucius..." Arcus interrupts him. Arcus takes a deep breath. "Not all of them." Arcus then grabs Ottis' hands and they walk past Lucius. Lucius looks at them. "We'll see about that." He says to them.

"Ottis... I'm really sorry about him. He's just..." Arcus pauses and thinks for a bit. "I- I don't know... He had always hated hybrids but I never knew why." Arcus looks away. "It's alright. I totally understand why he hates me." Ottis says to Arcus. "Don't say that. You know I love you the way you are..." Arcus looks at Ottis and smiles. Ottis smiles back. "We should go to class now." Says Arcus.

A few minutes later, they are sitting in class. Arcus is doing great at paying attention to the teacher. But he turned to look at Ottis and realises that he looks quite terrified from what Lucius said earlier. Arcus attempts to calm him down. "So uh... Have you met with a professional magic senser yet?.." Arcus asks. "Hm?.. Y- yeah, actually." Ottis says, still a bit shaky. "How'd it go?"... "It was alright. She said that I might posses wood magic. It sort of makes sense since my dad posseses earth magic!" Ottis says, calming down. "That's great! Have you tried practicing?" Arcus asks. "No, not really... I need your help with it." Ottis looks excited. "Sure thing!" Arcus happily agrees to help.

Time passes by. Ottis and Arcus is walking to the cafeteria. Ottis pauses. "Crap... I forgot my wallet in my bag! I'll go get it real quick." Ottis says in a fast pace. "Alright then." Arcus says.

Ottis goes to his class and finds his table. "Here it is." Ottis says as he picks up his wallet. "Good thing no one stole it..." He sighs. He turns around and was about to walk but he is stopped by someone grabbing his neck and slamming him into the wall. "L- Lu... Lucius-" Ottis tries to speak while he is being choked. "Shut the hell up and show me that you are a monster. Come on, attack me... Kill me." Lucius says to Ottis in a menacing tone. He sounds very serious. "Akh- Agh... H- Hel- Ple... Pleazh-" Ottis says, as he is about to pass out. Lucius lets go of him. Ottis falls to the ground, coughing. "Shit..." Lucius whispers. He grabs Ottis' shirt and gets closer to him. "Listen. If you try to do anything to my friends, I'll hunt you down." Lucius whispers to him. Ottis nods, still terrified.

Ottis sits there for a few minutes, coughing. Then he stops. He gets up quickly and goes to the cafeteria to meet up with Arcus. Arcus waves at Ottis while smiling. "Ottis! You're back! What took you so long?"... Ottis laughs a bit. "It's nothing important, really. Have you gotten your food yet?.." Ottis tries to avoid the topic. "Ottis... I can tell when you're lying. Was it Lucius again?.." Arcus says, a bit more concerned now. Ottis stays silent but then speaks up. "Y- yeah... He almost choked me to death." Ottis started to tear up. Arcus looks frustrated. "That fucking asshole... I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you... It's my fault. I'm seriously sorry..." A frown starts to appear on Arcus' face. He then hugs Ottis, trying to atleast cheer him up a bit. "Want to stay at my place today? I want to cheer you up." Arcus asks Ottis. "Sure." Ottis replied.

A few hours later, school has ended. The rain was pouring down, the roads were wet and puddles are formed. They wait at school because they didn't bring an umbrella.

"Can't you use your fire magic to create some kind of water vaporing umbrella?" Ottis asks, giggling. "There's no way. I'd just boil the rain and we would get hit by extremely hot boiling water!" Arcus laughs. "Hey boys!" Somebody called out to them. It's Ember, coming to the rescue. "You guys can share with me. My umbrella is big enough! I think." She says, holding the umbrella. Arcus and Ottis giggled and followed Ember. "So where're we goin'?" Ember asks happily. "Ottis is staying at my house for today." Says Arcus while looking at Ottis. "Ooh... Am I invited? I have some new video games we could check out!" Ember smiles. "Sure!" Arcus and Ottis giggles.

It gets quiet. They can only hear the water droplets hitting the ground as they are walking.

"Ember..." Arcus says, sounding serious. Ember turns to look at him. "About Lucius... Do you know how to handle him? Ottis encountered him in class alone this morning... I'm getting worried." Arcus looks angry and also sad. Ember sighs. "He can't just be doing this for no reason. Can't he? I mean, he had bullied a lot of other students before..."... "Yeah. But he never hurts any of them physically. He fucking choked Ottis." Arcus is frustrated. It is silent for a while. "He told me not to hurt his friends..." Ottis speaks up. "Friends?.." Arcus looks away. "He must've been talking about us..." Ember says as he looks at Arcus. "We'll talk about this later. For now, let's just go."

They continue walking as the sounds of water hitting the ground gets less louder, to the point where they can hear themselves stepping in puddles and making splashes.

My More Than A Friend: 2Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα