Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!

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Vegessa: I suppose you have a point. I hate to admit it, but you've made an excellent training partner, what with Kakarot training with his little runt.

Yerlec: Speaking of which, tomorrow I plan on heading back into the chamber. Would you like to accompany me?

Vegessa: Very well, I suppose I can give you the honor of sparring with me again.

Yerlec(Deadpan): There goes that ego of yours again... You know, there's more to life than stroking your own ego. The longer you stay here on Earth, I feel as though maybe, just maybe, you'll find something worth fighting for.

The saiyan princess paused for a moment. She used to be a ruthless warrior before coming to this miserable rock. Why should she think of fighting for anyone but herself now? She had only one goal, to be the strongest in the universe. At the same time, she'd be lying if she said that her time here was a total disaster. There were more efficient ways to train, the food was superb, and there was even some semblance of beauty to be found here. She even found herself ... enjoying some of her time here. Not to mention Yerlec himself. Kakarot was an overly optimistic buffoon with a tendency to spare his enemies. Yerlec on the other hand wasn't afraid to wipe his enemies out. In fact, it was only at Kakarot's insistence that she was even still alive. He wouldn't hesitated otherwise. That combined with his strides in strength was ... admirable. 

Yerlec: At any rate, I suppose I've rambled on long enough. I'll leave you to your devices.

Vegessa: Wait a moment.

Yerlec: Something nagging you?

Vegessa: ... 

Yerlec: there something you wanted to say, or-

Vegessa: I'm getting to that! *Clears throat* Since you seem so adamant on getting me to change my views, show me around this world you seem to be so fond of, and we'll go from there.

Yerlec(Surprised): Oh! That's a surprise, but I'd be more than happy to show you.

The two saiyans get dressed in more casual wear for the day ahead.

Yerlec: Ready to go?

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Vegessa: Yeah, let's get this over with.

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