The Summing of the Four cardinal Heroes

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After the events on wano zoro was on the thousand sunny trying to get some sleep in the library before he and the crew reach the next island. In the middle of his nap zoro sense this strong aura coming from this book called the record of the four Holy Weapons. What with this book zoro said as he picks up the book. Zoro opens the book and starts reading the first page the Spear Hero valued and protects his friends,the Bow Hero never tolerates injustice,the shield hero always protects the weak but when zoro turns to the page of the Sword Hero the page started to glow and zoro was sucked in.

When zoro's vision returns he was in a strange room we're in the hell am I zoro question. Then he noticed three other people in the room with him each one of them was holding a weapon a Shield,Spear and bow. When he looks down he was holding a sword. Zoro looked down at his waste to see if he still have his three swords at his waist.

Then zoro noticed a man wearing wizard robe standing nearby and decided to ask him were I am and how did I get here.

O Brave Heroes please save our world from the waves of destruction.

WHAT?!" All four heroes exclaimed

What do you mean zoro answered

Don't you feel any guilt for summoning us against our will said boy with the bow.

Let's hear them out said the boy with the green jacket.

Please follow us brave heroes the king wants to speak to all of you.

The four heroes entered the throne room. It turned out to be fairly spacious and expensively furnished room with a large number of people in it. Zoro can tell this people are slightly stronger than ordinary people.

So these are the Four Cardinal Heroes from legend? He spoke in a questioning voice. The priest gave a nod. The king spoke again, I am king of melromarc Aultcray melromarc XXXII.

Heroes The King spoke once more name yourselves.

The Sword Hero step forward my name is Roronoa Zoro pirate age 21.

Everyone in the throne even the other heroes was a bit stunned that he is a pirate.

Next up was a kid light brown curly hair wielding a bow my name is itsuki kawasumi high school student I am 17 years old.

Next was a blonde hair guy with a spear my name is motoyasu kitamura university student I am 21 years old.

Finally the guy in the green jacket I am..."

He was interrupted by the king. I see... Zoro,itsuki,motoyasu, huh?

Zoro raise a eyebrow at the interruption, Why did he just skip him?

Y-yo king aren't you forgetting me? Green explained

The king looked at him with bored eyes, raising red flags for zoro and his instincts as a swordsman. Hmm? The king hummed oh please forgive me.

The swordsman noticed the looks that the other nobles gave the green in distaste for his addressal of the king.

"My name is Iwatani Naofumi." Green stated, "I'm 20, and a college student."

The king kept his bored look before continuing, "Now... I suppose I owe you an explanation."

You're ignoring me?" Naofumi stated, but the king continued to ignore him causing even more red flags to be raised in zoro's mind.

"My country," The king started his explanation, "Melromarc, and the entire world is headed toward destruction."

Zoro was wondering this entire time how could he get back to his crew and if he is still in the new world or not.

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