Klaha, Where are you?

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Dear Klaha~

I'm writing this to you, I don't know if you'll ever read this but alot of fans miss you. I miss you, I would have loved to see you play live. You were the best vocalist of Malice Mizer and even covered Gackt and Tetsu's songs from Malice Mizer and sang them better live!
I hope you are well and that you are okay. I'm also holding onto hope that one day you'll return. We're all waiting and wondering what you're doing and concerned about you. Thank you for everything. I'm eternally grateful to you.
I still listen to you're songs, I sing them in the shower, I also sang Gardenia when I went to Japan on Karaoke in a bar. I can't really understand Japanese but I know a few words. I translate your songs and find joy from it. Remember you are loved by many and we all miss you! Please return, I'll be there if you do!
With all respect, love and sincerely~ S

P.s I'd love you to do a duet with Kamijo~

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