"Wait you guys actually stick people in the Maze as a punishment?!" I took a step back from him it was small but noticeable. Gally puts his hands out, trying to calm me. "Rarely, yes. If he hadn't done what he did, or if you'd actually killed him then banishing might have been a possibility but you don't have to worry about that."

I nod for him to continue and tell me my punishment. He takes the hint and opens his mouth to speak, hesitates a second before proceeding, "3 days in the pit, you'll be fed twice a day. Only water and bread though."

I'm beginning to think I should've had Alby give me the tour instead of Newt. There seems to be quite a bit of shit he left out. "What the hell is the pit?" His weird eyebrows furrowed in response. "You weren't told during your tour?"

I sigh, slightly annoyed, "Nope, Newt gave me the tour. He left out quite a bit." Gally looked even more confused at this and I remembered what Minho told me about how Newt has always refused to give the tour to Greenies since it's Alby's job. "Weird. Anyway it's pretty much like a mini jail cell I guess"

Before I could respond I heard someone else walking behind me, dry leaves crunching under their heavy steps. I turn around to find Alby heading towards us. His was in light wash jeans and an off-white cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"You were taking a long time. I was worried she'd beat the klunk outta you again." Alby said as be neared us. Gally crossed his arms defensively, but didn't argue with the leader. "I assume he's already explained everything." Alby crosses his arms too and the light reflects off his dark, muscled forearms. "Great, let's go then." He turns and starts walking in the other direction, back to the Glade, not bothering to look behind him and make sure I'm following.

I leave a good chunk of distance between him and myself but I do eventually follow him with Gally walking by my side. Once I could spot the clearing I began to panic, I didn't want to walk past everyone in the Glade on my way to the pit. "Hey," I whisper to Gally, I don't know why I'm whispering but he said nothing and looked over at me to continue.

"Do you think you could like, carry me over your shoulder or something? Make it look like you knocked me out after I put up a fight?" Gally deadpanned, "Are you serious right now?"

I sighed, narrowing my eyes at him, "Look you can either do it the easy way or I'll actually put up a fight and make you have to knock me out. But don't worry, I'll be going easy on you." I smile, sweetly. His nostrils flare, exaggerating the look of his already big nose. For a second I think I've done nothing but piss him off before he rolls his eyes and sweeps me off the ground, throwing me over his shoulder, he did so with ease. I guess being Keeper of the Builders has its perks.

"Thank you, Gally." I mumbled, unsure if he heard it but I knew I wouldn't be repeating those words in my lifetime so he better have. He was only using one hand to hold onto me, his right hand rested on the back of my thighs, holding them against to his upper chest.

We hadn't quite reached the Glade yet so my body had not yet gone limp. I kept my eyes open, watching the trees grow smaller and smaller the farther we moved. Eventually curiosity gets the better of me and my eyes dart down to his backside.

Mhm, indeed, just as suspected. He is suffering from the burden of great cake and no one to show it off to. Well- I'm sure there's at least one gay guy here but I doubt that he'd be checking out Gally. There is plenty of eye candy here. "You know I can feel you staring at my ass right?" He grumbles, readjusting his grip on me as we near the Glade. I chuckle, "Couldn't help it. Very nice. 10/10 I must say." My voice has sarcastic undertones but I'm still being at least partially honest.

Gally says nothing but I feel his shoulders shake beneath me with silent laughter. Who knew it was possible to make Gally laugh? Finally we reached the Glade and I let my body go limp against him and shut my mouth tight. As we walked I could feel the stares of all the Gladers burning holes through my skin but I didn't dare look up.

After what felt like the longest walk of my life (and I wasn't even walking) I was finally put down, placed on a cold stone floor. I finally open my eyes and find myself in a tiny stone room. Looking up I see a barred window with Gally and Alby on the other side of it. Alby must've been locking the door cause I heard some metal clanking around then one final sound of metal hitting metal before Alby stuck a small object in his pocket, probably a key.

"Someone will be by in a few hours to give you your meal of the day." Alby said, his voice almost devoid of emotion other than a tiny hint of annoyance. "When I get out of here can you give me a tour? Newt did it but he seems to have left some stuff out." I was a bit scared to ask something of Alby, as intimidating as he was. Especially after I dropped a branch on his head. Alby said nothing, only let out an annoyed grunt and walked away.

Gally still kneeled by the door though, looking down at me for a second before he left too. Alone now, I look around, scanning my new home for the next 3 days. The floor was cold and dirty and the room was empty except for a small rusty bucket in one corner and a metal stool in another corner with 4 legs of different lengths.

I leaned my head against the cold wall behind me and rubbed my hands down my arms. Being in here is probably better than being out there, for the time being at least.

1871 Words

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