Chapter 14 (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

I tried to open the door the moment he turned to jump out while the car slowed, but the lock wouldn't budge. When I tried to roll down the window, it didn't move either.

Once he pulled the car to a stop and adjusted his seat as far back as it would go, he didn't hesitate to reach for me. Ripping my shirt as he hauled me over he attempted to plant a wet kiss on my lips. I turned my head and sacrificed my cheek while his hands grabbed at me in a way I  was sadly familiar with, but unlike the previous times, I wasn't afraid to fight back this time.

While he pawed at me, I clawed back. Dragging my nails down his face had earned me a strike to the head that had me disoriented. He began to unbuckle his pants and shoved my head down to press it into his crotch, I had blindly searched for anything to fight back and found something. When he pulled me back up, not stupid enough to put his dick between my teeth as he pulled it out, I rose the wrench I had found under his seat and struck him across the head hard enough to have blood pouring from his temple. He fell back, his eyes rolling back into his head.

I didn't wait to see if I had killed him or just knocked him down. I lunged for his door to disengage the child lock before pushing my door open and scrambling to get out. I didn't look back as I bolted through the tree toward the road on the other side that led home. I kept running, not slowing until my feet slammed across the cracked asphalt of our driveway. Slowing to sneak inside the house, instead of trying to sneak past my parents who were visible from the window outside, I made my way around the house to go to the one place I wanted to. Ash.

And like always, when he saw me stumble into the basement with tears I hadn't noticed streaking down my face, he made all my doubts vanish. Demanding to know what had happened, the emotion twisting his pale features was unmistakable. Worry and fear. No matter what happened once he was free, he really did care about me to some degree.

He wouldn't accept my attempts to brush what had happened off like nothing had happened, pushing me to recount the gist of it through sobs I could no longer hold in. He pulled me into a hug to provide comfort, holding me as I cried while humming a soothing tune I had memorized by now. Once I ran out of tears, I don't know what overcame me, but if lifted my head and pressed my lips against his, cutting off the vibrations sounded from his throat.

When he hadn't pulled away, I moved my lips against his that were dry and rough. I remembered how they had felt when they reciprocated, moving against mine that held the taste of tears. His tongue had swept over my lip, tasting them before I sunk my teeth into his lip. We devoured one another. My hands reached for him as our tongues intertwined and his palms roamed over my body, replacing the fresh memory of Adam's violating touch with his that I wanted. I had gone from sitting between Ash's legs to straddling his lap when he broke the kiss to settle his forehead against mine.

We sat there for hours, holding each other until the rising sun forced me to go before being discovered. The warmth that bloomed in my chest at the development overshadowed what had preceded it and had me feeling... happy.

Until rejection had it turning to ice and shattering.

The next time I attempted to kiss him, he had turned his head away. My lips landed on his cheek. When I pulled back, his eyes were avoiding me. I had a feeling it was to save me from the regret I had caught a glimpse of in them

I wanted to share more kisses with him, to do more than just kiss, but I didn't try to initiate again after his rejection. I didn't want him indulging me again in my time of need, I wanted him to want to, but he never did. He never kissed me again, not on the lips. He seemed satisfied with holding me and the pecks he pressed against my hair when we parted. Afraid I would lose that as well, I didn't bring up the moment we had shared or the rejection that had followed. Whatever he could say, it couldn't change the fact that I loved him, so I pretended that nothing had changed between us.

Yet, the brief brush of Silas's fingertips overshadowed that kiss and all the soft ones that followed to occupy my thoughts when I had a moment of respite from everything else in life.

As the warmth of the water seeped into my limbs, my fingers lightly trailed along my skin where I felt the ghost of Silas's palm. I could still feel its warmth charging my skin despite that being implausible. It felt different than the warmth that warmed my chest.

Letting out a yawn, I tried to shift my focus to something other than the two men that had been occupying it. It was proving to be harder than I liked.

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