"Mighty Creator! Can you guys not come in like that?!" complained the man as he hugged Scout's trembling figure, placing a small peck on his head.

Krampus' calm deep voice thundered through the room as he spoke, "Sounds to me like you had a run in with her as well."

Commander inhaled sharply, "OK great. You know about her. Awesome. Now what the hell do we do?!??" 

Gravedigger winced at his loud voice, lifting a hand shyly, "I... I have a lot to explain...But um..where is dad? Is he ok?"

Commander huffed, "Kid, sometimes I think you can read minds... The lady did something to him but.. He is fine now.."

Krampus chimed in at the mention of his brother, "What do you mean she did something to him?"

Commander beckoned them to follow him, "Come up here so we can discuss it all together."

The three decided it would be best to change their ski attire into something more comfortable and... less wet, first. Commander went after Scout the moment Grave was putting his clothes to dry. Waiting, he watched as the man entered his and Scout's shared bedroom before he ran up the stairs. He wanted a moment alone with his father, to see for himself how he is... He knocked on the door before gently cracking it open to see Fallen look back at him.


The boy fully opened the door as he rushed to his father, embracing him tightly without a word. Fallen was suprised at first, he still wasn’t quite used to Grave being so openly affectionate with him, but he loved it nonetheless. He could tell from a mile something was going on with his son. Perhaps it had to do with that peculiar lady Commander was talking about earlier. Nevertheless, he kept Grave coddled to his chest quietly for a while, stroking his back gently, fully soaking up the much needed peace.

They waited together as the rest made their way into the room, taking a seat on either the bed or some chairs. With everyone finally settled, Grave began explaining the rather mysterious meetings he had experienced with the lady throughout the week. "And...well when Scout shook me awake it turned out to be a vision of sorts.. The cabin wasn’t burning and everyone was ok.. As for what happened in the cave I.. actually can't really recall... I remember seeing two pink eyes stare at me from the darkness and then I was on the ground and uncle said we had to get back to the cabin asap.."

Grave turned to Krampus who took it as his signal to continue," Well, before you came back to us, my boy, it wasn't you who was talking... It was her through your body- "

"WHAT? This lady actually possessed someone?!" half yelled Commander in shock.

Upon hearing of the danger his son was put in, Fallen wrapped his arm a little bit tighter around Grave, who in turn gave him a reassuring squeez.

Krampus sighed, "Yes.. Yes she did. And she can do far worse than that.. She merely just mocked us in the cave, toyed with Grave to show off her prowess with magic."

"Who.. Who is she anyway?" asked Commander reluctantly.

"Fallen and I know her well."

Commander and Krampus looked back at the latter's brother, who tilted his head in confusion.

"Void Caster, Fallen"

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