part 7

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2 hours later.

I had my head down on the desk, i was completely exhausted of doing these random studying. I felt eyes on me so i looked up to see Vera watching me, i smile at her then walks over to her.

"I love how it's just us alone together in this big school" I say looking at her laptop, she turns around and looks at me.

"Well we should get going before they close the school" She says standing up putting her laptop away and putting her handbag on her shoulder.

"Yeah we should just i don't wanna go home especially after what happened last night." I say walking to my desk putting my studying books away and putting my backpack on my back.

"What did happen last night because you've been a little upset from it" Vera say's looking at me trying to figure out what the problem is.

"Oh just something happened i'm kind of used to it by now" I say just forcing myself not to cry "We should go come on" I walk away to the car park. Vera just sighs and follows me to her car.

On the car drive home.

I keep looking outside at the trees until i change my mind "Can you take the next left actually" I say not looking at her.

"You have to turn right to get to your house?" Vera says confused, i roll my eyes.

"I'm going to Mateo's house turn to the left so we can get there" I say pointing to the street, Vera doesn't say anything and just takes the turn to Mateos house. When we get to Mateo's house, i go to open the door to leave but she stops me.

"Don't forget your bag" She say's turning to get it from the backseat at the same time as i do, were both now face to face to eachother not saying a single word.

"Mateo is gonna be out here any minute" I say looking away to see if Mateo is coming but she makes me look at her.

"Don't look away from me when im going to talk to you" She say's looking straight in my eyes, i feel myself getting closer to her but she moves me away from her "Don't think about it Smirnoff i don't have time for this"

"Fine then be like that and don't bother taking me home ever again that's Mateo's job now" I say grabbing my bag opening the car door but she grabs my arm.

"If i want to take you home then i will but you know what? I don't care your boyfriend can do it as you want him to" She say's taking her hand off me making me leave.

Mateo comes outside and walks over to me hugging me "Is everything okay Lillian?" He say's looking at Vera then me.

"Oh i'm okay don't worry" I say smiling holding his hand, Vera rolls her eyes and drives away fast i just walk into Mateo's house with him.

In Mateo's room.

I sit down on his bed looking at my hands thinking about everything of what just happened, Mateo walks into his room shutting the door behind him and gives me water "What happened with you and Miss petrov?" He says sitting down next to me, i keep my eyes on the floor not even bothering to look up cause i know im going to cry.

"We just had a disagreement with eachother and she won't be taking me home anymore i was actually wondering you can take me to school and stuff?" I say feeling Mateo's hand ontop of mine

"I'll do anything for you Lillian you should know that by now" He says hugging me for comfort, i look up at him and hugs him back feeling the tears going down my face silently.

"I don't know what i'd do without you Mateo..." I say stopping the tears from coming down my face more.

"You'd be pretty stupid without me" He says laughing making me giggle a little bit, we both pull away from the hug looking at eachother we sit like that for about 5 minutes until Mateo leans forward but i just couldn't kiss him so i moved away, he looks at me confused "Lillian? You moved? Why?"

"I-i just em... i'm not ready for a relasionship and plus your my best friend i can't do that with you." I say pacing around his room, he stands up looking at me pacing around.

"Lillian we have been closer than anything for 4 years now and you know that i like you so much...Whats changed about that?" He says just trying to figure out the answers for all this.

"I don't like you like that Mateo im sorry but it's just i don't want anyone right now i have so much on my mind and your not the person my mind..." I say thinking exactly of Vera, the women i truly love.

"Lillian i'm sorry but you have to leave.." He says walking to his door opening it to make me leave, i just look at him and slowly walks out his bedroom door and out of his house.

outside his house.

I get my phone out and scrolls down my contacts thinking of who i should call to get me "No not Sofia...Not maria either...uhhh definitly not Carlos" I get to Veras contact and just looks at it thinking weither to call her or get my brother... "Oh fuck it" I call Vera, it takes her about 7 minutes to answer the call.

"Lillian it's 1am what are you calling me for?" Vera says, she doesn't sound very happy with me calling her but oh well.

"Soo Mateo just kicked me out of his house and i have nowhere to go because everyone else is busy with other stuff... can i-"  I say before Vera butts in.

"What!? I'll be there in 20 minutes do not move anywhere" Vera says bolting up, i hear her grabbing clothes and her car keys.

"I won't move an inch don't you worry" i say chuckling a bit hearing how much she cares about me.

"I'm gonna end the call now but i'll be there as soon as possible" She says hanging up before i could say another word.

thats the end of chapter 7 ill make the next part soon ty for reading

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