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It's been 8 years seanse i last saw sally face, is it really a good idea to collabe with his band? i mean, im pretty sure i broke his heart.. im such an ass even when i dont try, i guess i got it from my father. luckily we, Me, Phillip, and Grace waer descusis, but will that really be enough?

Phillip : "Мам, у тебя есть новости о ленивых котах?" (Mom! I got an update on the collab with Lazy Cats.

Anya : "нет, говорили что они подумают об этом. Но они посмотрит на шоу следующей неделе" (No, thay said they will think about it. They're going to watch the show next week, though)

Grace : "А, точно?"(Oh? Really Mom?) 

Anya : "Да."(Yes)

Grace : Афигенно! пойду и скажу Трэвису!" (Fucking awesome! Im gonna tell Travis!")

Anya : "Грейс, язык!"(Grace language)

i was laying on the sofa in the liveing room while Anya volker, My adptive mom aka phillip's mom was talking whit Grace and Phillip about the lazy cat collab. I hurd Graces walk fast trowrds the liveing room. It got me thinking about how far i have come in life bwacuse after i left my old life behind me and flew to russia I lived whit my childhood beast friend, Phillip volker and his mom Anya Volker and His dad Malikai Volker, they wellcomed us in whit arms and not so soon got an adoption license so they could adopt me and Grace. I mean we where already basecly family, why not make it official. We lived in russia  for 7 years and at age 19 so 3 years after liveing in russia me and philip made a song "waisted summers" and we got my, well our little sister grace to sing it along whit us, we posted it just for fun whit out our faces showing in the video beacuse who doesnt whant to hear an adorable 9 year old sing. what we didnt know was that it would go viral and that so many whanted more. so we made one more song "Russian boy" witch is just phillip singing about being a simple russian boy who dances whit brown bears, its a pretty cute song to be honest. and when grace turned  13 Anya dicided to be come a maneger so we could follow a dream we had ever seanse the first fan, to be something big, worshiped by people. And we pretty quickly rose to fame and now we are 1 most liked bad, some like our songs others our crazy pruformaces, we likeing going big, going home.

lerning the russian language came pretty easy for grace, I struggled, I struggled hard. Anya, Mikhail and Phillip struggled teaching me too.. But now i know the language pretty well beacuse i was pretty much forced to learn it quckly for school and just liveing in peace whit the locals. Grace calls Anya and Malikai for mom and dad. Im gonna be honest i feel baÄÅOd about not being able to call them mom and dad, they do s much for both me and grace but it just feels like i betray My Father and Mother. I mean yeah they where horrable people to me and to others but they are still my parents, I cant just switch them out like nothing. they rasied me.  

Grace quckly ran into the living room phillip right behind her, I looked over at the door where my 14 year old little sister stood, and she grew up so fast, too fast. I felt tears form in my eyes as i looked at her.

Grace : "Travis, Guess what!"

Phillip : "woah dude, you good???"

Travis : "Stop growing."

I said with a shakey foce and started crying, They  both came over to si next to me one on each side, I pulled grace into a tight hug and she wraped her arms around me back.

Phllip : "A lot of emotions showing knowing we are going to meet sal and the otehrs again.."

Travis : "I guess, i just thought of our life, everything that happend and i relized how big my little girl has gotten"

Grace : "Travis, what the fuck???"

Travis : "GraceEeeEe!" 

i losen my hug letting her free and wiped my tears, I layed back letting my head rest on the back of the couch, I looked over at phillip who had gotten a eyebrow pirecing, septum and snke bited when he turned 18, they looked good on him. Grace also whanted piercings but both me and Anya said no, Mostly for safty resons, she have to wait untill shes 18 like phillip.

Travis : "Are you nurvuse?"

Phillip : "Yeah, some parts more then others, Im glad we are masked singers though"

Travis : "Are you sceard they will reconise our voices?"

Phillip : "Todd maybe. Hes a smart guy, he makes connections easy" 

Travis : "Mh.."

I locked eyes whit phillip and we just stared.

Grace : "If ya'll gonna kiss ima go"

Travis & Phillip : "Grace what the fuck?" 

Grace : "Sorry that intense look is smt you see in movies and thay always end up kissing, its kinda gross but dont deny it"

Travis : "Ugh, I cnat deny it its pretty true"

Grace left the room leaving me and phillip on the couch. we locked eyes again we both though the same thig just worried on how to bring it up, trying to figure out each others reactions. 

Travis : "Nurvuse meeting larry?"

Phillip : ".. Do you think he hates me?"

Travis : "No! its larry, he loved you so much.." 

Phillip : "I broke up whit him and ignored his texts and then you blocked him, I was horrable"

Phillip looked so sad, I sat up wraped one arm around him and he put his head on my sholder. I thought back to the day i found him crying his heart out too text messages between them. I couldent see my best friend like that.. He looked so hurt it looked like all he whanted to do was to be able to fly back to the US and be whit larry but i couldent. well not ligaly yet, he had to wait 5 years befor he was able to come back to the US. as i saw phillip covering his face whit his arms i saw cut marks on his wrists, Oh my poor best friend, he doesnt deserve this.. I picked up the phone and yea i deleted larrys number, blockeing him in the prossese. I cant have phillip punching himself in the gut over this. but seeing him like this, crying over the one love he has wanted for so long to now get lost in an empty void made me think of sal. We where in sumular situations. I sat down and started crying too, and we sat in the closet crying over the people we cant have. I really loved him, I really fucking loved sal. 

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Where stories live. Discover now