Chapter 5

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Kara's POV:
"Wait, what?" Marinette asked, confused. "Well, her face shape, lips, nose, eye shape & voice are the same!" I replied.
I know it's risky considering their friends & she's a liar, but she's family, she'll believe me, right? "I knew she was a fraud. Let's talk about this more after school." Marinette annouced. "Okay, but aren't you two friends?" I asked she shook her head. Ohhh revenge is sweet and karma's a real b- I mean karma is my boyfriend.

Marinette's POV:
We walked to the classroom when I saw everyone staring at me with a mad look on their faces, except Kara, Adrien, Juleka, Alix, Chloe & Nino. "You broke Lila's phone and fought her before school, but good thing she dodged!" Alya screamed! Huh, Lila lied about this again? I'm getting so darn sick of this!

"You guys are ridiculous utterly ridiculous, I've known Dupain-Cheng since we were in the 6th grade! She wouldn't hear me or any other bully!" Chloe, surprisingly, defended me. "Yeah, Of course you would say that! You're the meanest girl in this school, You would obviously side with the bully!" Mylene shouted. I heard a "Yeah!" From my "BFFL" Alya, but I guess she's just a bad friend.

Ms. Bustier's POV:
"Settle down, kids, Lila, Marinette, Alya, Mylene & and Chloe, go to the principals office right now before you cause more damage to my ear drums!" I said. I am not siding with anyone this time, like my wife said. Calm down! Breath in and out, in and out! "Okay, class, go review pages 69, 74 & 89 in your math textbooks." I said.

Marinette's POV:
"I can't believe they would believe someone who they've known for just 2 months! I've known Mylene for 5 years, Alya for 1, Rose for 7 years, Kim for 6 years, Max for almost 9 years, Nath is neutral but I've known him for 4 years, Ivan for 3 years." My thoughts were interrupted by the principal. "Kids, we are unsure about if Marinette Broke Lila's phone & fought her." I was happy they didn't have proof, but boy, was I wrong "Actually Sir I do have proof." Lila said & proceeded to show Mr. Damocles. A picture of Socqueline stepping on Chloe's phone last year. "What this was from last year for your information!" I shouted that I would get a world record.

"You just admitted to it, Marinette!" Alya declared. I L.M.A.O. "Why are you laughing? This is serious!" Lila cried. "Well, you guys weren't her last year to see this picture on Chloe's phone that got my BFF suspended. Right, Mr. Damocles?" I laughed even more. "Oh yeah, Lila, this is Socqueline wang from last year." Mr. Damocles said. Lila, Alya & Mylene were as red as Tomato Boys hair.

"Well Lila you are suspended for 2 weeks for lying to everyone!" He continued. Lila whispered something into his Ear & he said "Oh Ms. Rossi, I'm very sorry! You are now un-suspended!" I wonder What that b- I mean pretty Angel said.


"Well everyone you may go to lunch now! I hear that they have pizza today!" Mr. Damocles said.

Adrien's POV:
At the cafeteria (just imagine that before season 5, Adrien is allowed to go to the cafeteria okay)

"Hey Nino, are you two ok? Alya looked like she was about to cry!" I asked. "Well, I broke up with her!" Nino replied. "Hey, uhh, could we sit here?" Marinette asked. "Yeah, sure, dudette!" Nino replied, then whispered something into her ear. She looked shocked. I never really realized how pretty she is. No, I like Ladybug! Marinette's just a friend & plus I think Nino likes her again........

Nino's POV:
I told Marinette that I had broken up with Alya. I don't like her anymore. She's changed. For the Worse. Soon, Alix, Nathaniel, Marc, Juleka & Kara came to sit with us. "I have a question dudette, Like if Max is so smart, why would he believe the liar? I joked around, everyone in the table L.M.A.O. So then lunch ended.

Alya's POV:
That stupid girl is getting on my nerves. First of all, she hurt Lila & and now she stole my boyfriend. Maybe I should help Lila steal her crush. I saw her walking out of the cafeteria & confronted her. "Hey Marinette, you've gotta stop stalking Adrien! He doesn't like you you're just a friend to him."

Marinette's POV:
I hope that Adrien didn't hear that! This is so embarrassing. It's not like I didn't move on. I like no one for now. "I don't like him anymore, you dumb a - -" I yelled. Wow, this girl had really changed under the influence of Lila/Elena. I've gotta end this now. I dragged Kara to the bathroom, then said.

Yay, this is more than I usually type. This is
812 words, thank you for reading!

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