Incorrect Quote 11

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Donna : I want a hug

Jon : I want juice.

Donna : who cares about that right now Jon? I want a hug. 


Gar : When you said you were sick I expected a cold, not an Infectious Space Virus

Gar : Im litteraly wearing plastic to avoid your saliva.

Jaime : Seriously Hermano? 

Jaime : I litteraly help your green ass when your sick.

Gar : with the flu, not a ALIEN Virus. 

Raven : Some people.


Damian : I broke my arm today.

Raven : Seriously?

Damian : Yes.

Raven : Did you fight with Gar?

Damian : No

Raven : Did you get into a fight at all?

Damian : No

Raven : Okay, Did you by any chance trip on air and break your arm.

Read at 2:58

Raven : Dames? You there.


Jon : I have something to say, but dont take it to heart okay?

Damian : Spit it out Kent

Jon : You see Id tell you in person but....You kinda smell bad dami

Jon : I mean really bad

Damian : do you perhaps have a death wish?

Damian : I'd gladly grant it.

Jon : I said 'dont take it to heart' what part of that did you over look?


Jaime is trying to give Gar advice after Raven didn't believe Gar could capture See more on his own*

Jaime : The point is, you can use this. There are benefits to being underestimated. 

Gar : You're right. There are benefits to being underestimated. You can get away with anything. 

*far off look*

Jaime : Hermano? Are you going to kill See more?? 


Jon : "You'll never find the body" is such a boring threat. A better threat would be "You'll never stop finding the body" 

Jon : In your mothers garden? Yes. At your Local coffee shop? Also Yes .

Donna, bored: Or just say, 'They'll be finding parts of you for at least four months

Donna : ...and you'll still be alive for three of them.' 

Jon : Now that's a horrifying threat!

Gar : *horrified silence* 


Gar, bored out of his mind, sipping on his Kool aid : Gun to your head, would you rather kiss Kathy or Jinx?

Jon, who wanted to drink his Chocolate milk in peace : Gun to my head? Pull the trigger.

Gar : *wh E E Z E*


Donna : He'll be fine.

Lois : Are you sure about that? Jon once got lost in our own backyard.

Donna : In his defence, You have a farm for a backyard.

Lois : He has x-ray vision And he can fly.


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