How Do I Remember Myself?

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Info : Jon is 15 and his Suit its the one from Son of Kal El.
He Was 11 He was Imprisoned By Ultraman for 3 Years. To Others it was a Two weeks. 

Jon was Awaken to the sound of his obnoxious alarm. He groaned and Turned over to See the time.


Trainings at 7 so he still has some Time to Shower and Eat if he hurrys up. He didnt Get to Sleep Much. 

Unfortunately A Nightmare Disturbed His Sleep.

He rolled out of bed, slightly sleepy and walked towards his closet and grabbed his Suit and Made a bee line towards his bathroom. 

Jon then took a quick shower which was about 6 minutes (Not as quick as he intended) 

He grabbed his suit then began to put it on.

After he did that Jon looked into the mirror for a few minutes. Him in His Super Suit Was a Sight he Couldn't get Used To. He felt guilt whenever he wore the S Symbol.

It ment Hope to The People of Krypton.

But it Ment Bravery To The People of Earth.

He always Felt like he wasnt Any of Those.

He looked like his dad. But He wasnt. He felt like an imposter sometimes. He isnt even The REAL or FIRST Superboy. 

Just a Carbon Copy. 

In Other words A Fake.

He Stared At His Blue Eyes knowing They Have Witnessed Alot of Things.

Death, Pain, Lying to The Ones you Love.

Lying Is Easier Because how do you talk to those people who love you so much but idealize you as a happy and carefree child? 

And How do you tell them about the hell you carry inside without breaking their idealized version of you? how do you share all that buried deep down in your core without breaking their hearts in the act?

You cant.

He acts like this to pretend nothing ever happened. Maybe He was over reacting. 2 weeks wasnt long to to anyone. 3 years to him was.

Looking at Kade and Kia made Jon feel...Jealous.

Inside He knew it wasnt right to feel like this but it didnt stop him

They get to enjoy their childhood with the best parents anyone can ask for.

Him and Superman Have some Tension That They Avoid Since The Ultraman Thing. It mainly goes unoticed. 

"Hows Life at Titans Tower?" Clark Asked Him With a Smile on His Face.

"Its Great" Jon Smiled. No its not..

Jon Really needs to get these feelings. Maybe fix up their relationship? Until then He needs to get out of his head and forget about these issues.

 He Needs to Deal With It. 

Just Like Ultraman Said.


He was Chained to the Wall he tugged against the rustied chains, tears threatening to fall.

He heard Ultraman speak up. "Crying isnt going to do anything. Your Father isnt Coming" He said Kneeling Lifting Jons Chin Up. Jon Let The Tears Fall and Streak His Face. That Wasnt Clark. It Wasnt Superman. It Wasnt His Dad. His Dad is Superman. He Wouldnt Give up Looking. Hes...Superman.

"He is" Jon Muttered as Blood Dripped From his Mouth. Tears Streaking His Face. The Blue Eyes normally filled with bright innocent joy was Replaced witn a Dim look.

Theres No Hope. S Means Hope. Theres None For Him Except the Fake S on Ultramans chest.

"Your Weak. He Wouldnt Waist Time on You. So Deal With It" Ultraman Said With a Slight Growl and a sickening Smile.

Jons Always Lying. Its Wrong

He feels Guilt when he looks at his parents.

They are proud of him.

For what? Is the question.

Donna loves Him for Some Reason. Its just about time she realizes how theres other people out there for her. Better then him.

The bubbly carefree Jon kent is gone.

He was gone awhile ago.

Just Act is what He tells himself.

Be How they Rememeber You.

"How do I Remember Myself" he Muttered Staring at His Reflection.

Jon heard a knock at the door and he walked out the bathroom and opened it.

"Its 6 50 somthing Kori wants us Ready to Spar" Terra explained gripping the doorframe.

"Gotcha" Jon said with a smile and Walked down the Corridors With Terra.

The Two Reached the Training room where Kori assigned Partners.

Gar and Jaime

Damian and Terra

Donna and Jon.

Raven Was getting harrassed by Trigon so Kori Insisted she sit this one out.

30 Minutes later, Gar lost to Jaime so their round was over

Damian annilated Terra. Their round was also over.

It was Now Jon and Donna So Its an interesting match. 

Jons powerful. Maybe more then superman since the last time the two were up against eachother. Donna has improved her technique so this was Interesting. Who would win?

The entire time Jon was Throwing Heavy Punches and Kept Using Flight to Escape her Grip. Its Like he would Hit and Run.

Donna kept tying him up bug he kept escaping the lasso.

She resorted to hand to hand combat. There was No doubt Donna was Better at combat then him. But jon was more Powerful.

The Two Clashed and Sent Impossible to Dodge Kicks and Punches.

They Played Dirty.

Donna Pinned Jon down But he Kicked Her Across The Room. He Flew Towards Her and Sent a Final Punch. Then She Flew Up and Dodged The Punch.

10 Minute Later and the Match was Still Going on. There was Frozen Ice Shards That Donna Broke out of Everywhere. Everyone enjoyed watching the Fight.

Donna noticed How aggresive he was Being.

"Are you Good?" Donna asked as the Two Battled.

"Fine" Jon Muttered Rather Teresley Throwing Punches at The Young Amazon.

"You dont Seem fine. You havent been sleeping well" She Added Catching him off guard and Striking.

"Why do you care?" Jon shouted throwing a Heavy Punch at her which sent her flying into the wall

Kori Called off The Match That Had been Going on for 40 Minutes. The Two Glanced at Eachother Before Walking Their Seperate Ways.

Donna Felt Guilty for whatever reason hoping she didnt upset him too much...

Jon Glanced at her feeling Terrible for upseting the only person who still liked him for him...

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