My fucking heart hurt.

That mother fucker raped my baby boy. Who knows how many other times he's done this to Noah. How many times he was touched without his consent. I wish I never fucking disappeared. Noah doesn't deserve this. If I wouldn't have been taken, he wouldn't have gone through all of this pain. And I wouldn't have either.

I clenched my fists, trying to calm my anger but I couldn't.

"Alek, where are you going?" Julian shouted.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Noah said worriedly, but I ignored it.

I barged into the living room where Adam was being questioned.

"Aleksander, what are you—" Agent Giovani started to speak, but I blocked out the rest of his words.

All I could see was the panic in Adam's eyes as I approached him. I grinned as my fist connected with his jaw again.

"Aleksander, stop." Giovani ordered.

I just kept going. Hit after hit until my knuckles were burning and the skin was raw.

I only stopped once I felt my body getting pulled away from him.

"Do you know what he did to Noah?!" I yelled. "He raped him! How many times did you hurt Noah?!"

I tried pulling out of the grasp the agents had on me, but they weren't releasing me.

"Let me go! He deserves to feel everything he put Noah through! He doesn't have the right to breathe the same air as him!"

"Aleksander, if you do not calm down we will need to detain you. Violence will not solve what has already happened."

"Do you think I give a fuck?! He should be rotting in the ground for what he's done!" I thrashed against them once again, but their grips only tightened.

"I understand you are upset, Alek. If you kill him, we will not get any answers. Killing Adam will not help us catch Viktor. Do you really want to risk Noah getting hurt by not only Adam, but Viktor as well?"

"Well, no. Of course not." I scoffed.

"Then you need to take a step back and calm yourself down before we put you in a cell for your behavior."

"This is fucking ridiculous!" I shouted. "Fine, I'll stop!"

"Alright. Now please, go back to the kitchen while we finish up here."

I shook my head and tugged my arms out of their grip, stomping my feet back to the kitchen.

I punched the door of the fridge then laid my head against it.

The only thing that brought me back to reality was the deep sob that came from Noah.

"D—Daddy, please don't be mad."

When I looked over at him, he was shaking. I reached out to him, but he flinched back.

Was he scared of me?

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