.•.Against my will, Part One.•.

Start from the beginning

.•The plane over to Forks was quick and without issue. The two sped to the Cullen home first, taking Carlisle's car to Bella's house.

From outside the house was silent, adding more to Alice's anxiousness. The two saw that Bella's bedroom window was open so they entered through there.

The room was uninteresting, much like the girl to whom it belonged, Mina kept thinking, but wouldn't dare say out loud because Alice was clearly upset.

They inspected the home further but nothing was out of place, they went downstairs and Alice sat in the couch, her head in her hands. Mina walked up to the distraught vampire, and pulled her into a side hug.

"You said you weren't sure, maybe she's just fine." Mina said, suddenly feeling bad about never giving the human a chance.

"I saw her jump off a cliff and land in the water. I never saw her come out." Alice said as her eyes were glossy with venom tears that would never fall.

Mina took that information in. Had Bella tried to kill herself? She thought to herself. Edward and Bella were alike in that aspect,she thought, self-destructive.

The front door unlocked, making both Alice and Mina's heads snap to the door. A familiar scent hit them, as the door cracked open and in came a wet but perfectly alive Bella Swan.

The vampire and hybrid sped to the door, Bella's back turned to them, having not noticed their presence behind her. She turned around, her hand going to her heart to calm its erratic beating when she saw Alice.

"Alice?" Bella said, immediately throwing her arms around Alice.

"What are yo—, I'm sorry, I just can't believe you're here." She said again.

Her eyes moved to the left, making eye contact with Mina who had been subtly checking her for injuries. How did this girl jump off a cliff and come out of it unscathed granted she landed in water but still, at that height?

"Mina." Bella said with as much relief in her voice as when she had said Alice's name before. Again like she had done with Alice she jerked forward and threw her arms around the hybrid. The shivering that she had been doing since she came in stopped immediately when she made contact with the very hot Mina. The woman could double as a furnace.

Mina hadn't stopped her from hugging her but also didn't make the effort to hug her back either. She simply lifted one arm and patted the human in the small of her back, but stood as straight as she had been before.

"Would you like to explain to me how you're alive?" Alice asked as Bella reluctantly pulled away from the hot Mina. She was still wet and so the small breeze in her house made her extra cold, though she did stick close to Mina.

"Wha—." Bella replied with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"I saw you jump off a cliff, why in the hell would you try and kill yourself?" Alice asked exacerbated by the humans actions.

"I didn't try to kill myself, I was cliff jumping." Bella retorted, making Mina side eye her. Bella didn't strike her as the daredevil type, she could practically smell the bullshit leaking out of her, but she wasn't gonna question it out loud either. "Recreationally, it was fun." Bella continued, painfully aware of the side eye of Mina Ozera.

The vampire and Human moved to the couch. Alice had made her something hit to drink. Meanwhile Mina was raiding her kitchen, looking for anything to snack on, she was painfully peckish, and it didn't help that she had a whole meals worth of blood sitting on the couch.

She opened the fridge, taking out ingredients to make herself a sandwich while Bella and Alice spoke. Bella didn't seem to mind Mina making herself at home.

"I have never met anyone so prone to life threatening idiocy." Alice said, as she sat facing Bella. Mina breathed out a laugh from the kitchen as she put some ham and cheese on her mayo covered bread.

Did yo—." Bella started to ask, but Alice didn't let her finish her question before answering her.

"No, he only calls in once every few months." Alice said with a hint of sadness in her face. "He said he wants to be alone."

Bella said nothing, knowing that both she and Edward were feeling the same emptiness.

"Bella, what is that awful dog smell." Alice said with a scrunched up nose.

Mina who had finished making her sandwich and was leaning on the kitchen table munching away at her food, not having bothered cleaning up the mini mess she made in the kitchen, lifted her arm up and sniffed her armpits, an insulted look on her face, because she didn't smell bad.

"That's probably me, uhm, it's Jacob." Bella said.

"Jacob who." Mina asked having calmed down from thinking Alice had been insulting her.

"Jacobs, kind of a a werewolf." Bella said, her words unsure as if she was question her own sanity by saying this.

"Bella, werewolf's are not good company to keep." Alice said, making that insulted expression return to Mina's face.

"Speak for yourself." Jacob and Mina said in unison, making their eyes snap to each other. Both standing as if they were on edge with the other there.

Mina finished little bite of her sandwich, never breaking eye contact with the boy. She slowly mad her way over to Alice who had also stood up defensively.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." Jacob said, taking his eye off the hybrid. To him she smelt strange, she smelt nice even, not the overpowering sweet smell of a vampire, or the earthy one of a shifter. But despite her pleasant smell, the hairs in the back of his head stood on end.

It was clear that her scent was like that to lure people in, just so that she could kill them. The perfect monster.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here." Bella said almost lazily. Meanwhile Mina was eyeing both Jacob and Bella, her eyes ping ponging between them.

"I guess I don't care." Jacob replied in a moody tone, his eyes full of devotion to Bella.

"Are they—." Mina whispered so that only Alice could hear her, while motioning to the two teens who hadn't taken their eyes off of each other. But anyone with any sort of eyes could tell that he was way more into her than she was him.

Alice eyed them too, looked at Mina and shrugged.

"Well I'm not gonna hurt her." Alice spoke for herself. Knowing better than to speak for Mina.

"Of course not, you're just a harmless Cullen, I'm talking about the other bloodsucker." Jacob said after a brief pause. He did eye the other woman who he assumed was a vampire too, though she didn't look like one, but he took note that she didn't promise not harm Bella. "She tried to kill Bella because of you."

"Victoria." Mina whispered as she facepalmed, then rubbed her temples at her exes actions. She wanted to laugh but read the room and decided against it.

"Yeah Victorias been around." Bella said casually, like there wasn't people who could die trying to protect her life.

"I haven't seen her." Alice said, her expression laced in confusion. "I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either, I can't see past you and your pack of mutts." She said again, venom in her tone.

"Don't get me upset, things could get very ugly." Jacob said gritting his teeth.
Mina took a defensive step in front of Alice, though she held a smile on her face, giving out, "fuck around and find out" energy.

"Hey, hey. Hey." Bella said as she stood between the shifter and the hybrid, trying to diffuse the situation. "Stop."

"We'll give you a minute." Alice said as she took Mina's hand and lead her out of the room.


.•One moment Mina and Alice were standing in silence outside, Alice with her head in the hybrids shoulder and the next the vampire was pulled into a vision.

"Oh no." Alice said when she became lucid again. A panicked look on her face, this couldn't be good.


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