Luis moved back, doubt clouding his face. "Do you even like me?" Fuck.

I cannot let this happen, he can't doubt me. This will make everything flop.

Amara, just do what you have to do.

I only smiled softly, fake of course, wrapping my hands around his neck, getting on my tiptoes as I let my lips touch his; my tongue teasing his bottom lip and I was shocked. The way he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, he slammed me against the wall as he kissed me back.

I am going to wash my mouth with bleach. I feel disgusting. God, please forgive me.

"Elijah," I moved away, gasping for air because he is literally devouring me. "We're gonna be late, let me get ready please." I forced myself to be let go off. "We'll pick up where we left off when we get back."

I'm going to have to knock him out when we get back into this room.

"Okay." He nodded, stepping back and out of the shower. "I'll let you continue your shower."

"Oh," Valeria smiled brightly as she saw Luis and I exit out into the garden where everyone spoke to one another. "You two look beautiful -- oh my..." She spotted my arms as she grabbed my wrists. "What happened, dear?" Eyeing my red, scratchy arms, then her eyes leading to my neck, she looked baffled. "Elijah?!" She softly exclaimed, her motherly worry lashing out at him... she's about 20 years too late to correct him.

Does she know about him? How he likes to abuse women?

"No," I shook my head and moved my arms away. "I'm just scrubbed a little too much in the shower, I didn't expect this," I didn't lie. "I was surprised too." She seemed concerned but Luis interlocked his hand with mine.

"Ma," He spoke. "Leave it."

I felt disgusted to my core because of Luis' touch; I scrubbed my body until I felt the top layer of my skin burn and rip.

"Sorry, dear," She looked at me with a soft gaze. "Let's join everyone, come."

Dinner was fantastic, I mean the food. Whereas, when it comes to the socialising part, it's nothing. It's a piece of cake for me. I'm pretty sure Luis' family want me to marry Luis now.

The plan has worked.

I checked the time, 11:53. Luis is in the shower again, I'm going to try and fall asleep before he comes back out, even if I have to fake it.

He took a while in the shower, he came out smelling like the same body wash I use and I'll be honest, that made me mad. He has his own shit.

"Are you sleeping?" Luis got in bed, I felt his presence close to me, as if he was about to touch me but he reluctantly moved away. "Goodnight, Amara."

It didn't take long for Luis to fall asleep, the light snores that released from his mouth did annoy me... this is my last night. No more putting up with Luis.

Here's to freedom.

I slowly got up making sure to not even make the slightest of noise. I grabbed the clothes I had kept under the bed, quickly changing as I kept my eyes on Luis.

Putting on something simple, I was quick to exit the room.

Elena... I know she has something to do with my kidnapping. She's known she needs to watch her back. And now, I'm getting what I deserve and that is sweet, sweet revenge. I didn't feel no mercy when I murdered my first love, the love I was obsessed over... Elena is just another body to be added to my list.

Grabbing a knife from the kitchen, I headed to Elena's room before checking the time.



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