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Come and see the joy I have when i gaze upon the works of my father
See the everlasting peace they give me
They live a life as designed by the King
As if to be as an example to me
They blow in the wind care free,
Ye though they are preyed upon by many animals,
They stress about nothing,
Continuing to sway, sway, sway in the wind.
Being caressed by the spirit of God's breath
Encouraged to sway yet another day

I gaze upon its centre in awe,
The buds each individually thought out,
The star shaped stems leave me stunned
This can not be made by an explosion but by astonishing craftsmanship
O sweet flower, how you show the gentleness of our maker
Harsh and Controlling he is made out to be, yet your very presence testifies the delicateness of the Lord!
Each stem can tear at the touch yet he made you whole without a scratch.

O how the world tries to pluck you at the stem yet the Lord has given you thorns to protect you from their grip.
Ye though they see you as dangerous because of them, and fail to see the purpose in your thorns.
How the Lord has thought up each part of you,
And with pleasure he has created you.
A whole creation, a thing of beauty are you.
So we sing how great is our God
And he is

Fimi babalola

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