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I sit back down on the couch and start watching the movie Emma picked

10 minutes later

Me. That movie was ok
Emma. You saw 10 minutes of it!!
Jenna. Hahahahahaga
Me. Hahahahagagah
Emma. Oh ya so funny
Me. Ok food
Emma. Hahdshsshagahahaha
Me. Hahahaha... ok what should we get
Emma. Pizza
Jenna. Sure
Me. Ok

I go to the kitchen part of the apartment and get a glass of water

Hey it seems like Rae's doing better

Ok thank you


I put my phone in my pocket
Jenna. What you up to
Me. Was texting imane back she seid Rae's seems  better
Jenna. That's good
Me. Ya it is

I look into her eyes and get lost in them, we keep the eye contact for a good minute or so, her eyes slowly go down to my lips and a smile fads on to her lips, she slowly takes a step to me,

Ring ring ring

Me. Hey Rach
Rach. When are you coming home
Me. 5 days why
Rach. Do you think you can come home sooner
Me. Ya why what's wrong
Rach. I think I'm starting to break down again more people are hating on me
Me. Ok ok ya mm the soonest I can get home is two days from now
Rach. Ok

I look at Jenna and she's not there anymore

Me. Rach you should text imane and ask if she can come over for two three days
Rach. Ok I will now, I love you bye
Me. I love you too Rach bye
Rach. Bye

Rae ends the call and I go into the living room part and see Emma but no Jenna

Me. Hey where did Jenna go
Emma. Went to the bathroom
Me. Ok

Jenna comes out and see me, we make eye contact and i month sorry to her

She walks into the kitchen and does something and then comes back out she sit beside me and puts  a paper beside me i look at it and see a phone number on it saying " call me text me Jenna Ortega"

A smile fads on to my face and i add her and send
Me. Hey it's Blake
Jenna. Hey it's me Jenna Ortega

Two days go by me Emma and Jenna all hang out a lot and had a lot for fun
I'm at the airport with Emma and Jenna
Emma gives me a quick hug and then Jenna hugs but her hug feels different, like i didn't what to let go out like how warm and how good she fixes in my arms, I slowly pull away but Jenna hugs me harder so I can't move

Me. Hey Jenna I have to go
Jenna. Ok text me
Me. Mk
Jenna. Bye
Me. Bye

I pull away and start to head to the gate, I get on the plane and start to head home

10 hours later

I finally land and head down to Rae's house. When I got there I run in and run to Rae's room, I see her lying on the bed by herself I go to her and sit on the bed,

Me. Love
Rae. Mmm
Me. Rach where's imane
Rae. I didn't call
Me. Oh honey come here

I lye down on the bed and she cuddles up with me

Jenna's pov

Hey did you land
Ya I did, just trying to help Rae out
Oh how is she
She's hurt but will get through it
Jenna. That's good, maybe we can hangout out soon
A couple minutes later
Jenna. But if you dont want to we don't have to
Jenna. Hello

Couple more minutes

Jenna. Um if you really don't want to you can say so and not ignore me
Jenna. Blake it says your reading the text come on
Ugh you does she have to do this like fuck, I'm just going to get on the plane I have an interview to do soon

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