Ksivera froze, his behavior disturbed her, she completely no longer understood him, nor his behavior, nor what he wanted from her. Tom breathed deeply into her neck, pressing her bare torso between his hands, he wanted to feel her, but after what he said, he couldn't anymore.

"Why are you talking back to me?" Tom's panting tickled Ksivera's neck. "If only you would listen and obey me, everything would be completely different"

"I don't want to be humiliated" Ksivera whispered trying to stifle the lump of pain in her throat. "I don't know what to expect from you"

"You bring out such emotions in me that I have never felt before" Tom pulled away from her neck, his hands moved towards her cheeks, gently holding them in his palms he caressed her cheek with his thumb. "There's something about you that makes me feel...I don't know..."

Ksivera looked into his brown eyes, tilting her head to his touch and sighed. She felt safe now, but she didn't know who could anger Tom again. His touches are rough but also kind, like she'll be protected from danger, but the only danger to her is him.

"Let go, please" Ksiv whispered as she lowered her head, scratching the skin of her fingers anxiously. Tom pulled away from her, slowly pulling his hand away from her cheek, still wanting to feel her close to him.

Ksivera turned away from him and slowly walked behind the bar, took a glass and a bottle of whiskey from the shelf. Tom leaned his elbows on the bar table, never taking his eyes off her angelic, doll face.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ksiv glanced quickly at Tom as she poured whiskey into her glass.

"Ask" Tom sighed as he grabbed her hand in which she was holding the glass.

"Is Georg looking for me?" She whispered quietly pulling away from Tom's touch. "Does  he still care?"


The tall, blonde guy was standing in front of Georg, right in front of the gun aimed at him.

"You will find her and bring her back to me alive and well" Georg loaded his gun. "If you don't, you'll never see the light of day again"

"I don't care about your threats" The blonde snorted, brushing one strand of dreadlock from his face. "Leave him to me, I'll deal with him myself, and you can do whatever you want with  angel"


"He must be pulling his hair out" Tom snorted. "Why are you still thinking about him?"

"Because I'm afraid," admitted Ksivera, taking a shot of whiskey. "You know what he is like"

"I know, but you don't have to be afraid, nothing will happen to you" Tom smiled slightly as he picked up the glass and poured himself some whiskey. The atmosphere became warm and cozy again. "I'll protect you"

"You should protect me from yourself" Ksivera snorted, rolling her eyes. Tom nodded, biting his lip to keep his rising anger at minimum.

"I'm trying. I may sound unconvincing, but I'm trying" Tom sighed as he felt a burning sensation in his throat from the whiskey.

"I don't want to believe" Ksiv also sighed.

Tom and Ksivera talked all day about all kinds of things that allowed them to open up to trust each other. That's all Ksivera needed, to talk to someone, so that someone would understand her, and under the control of alcohol, she told her whole life story to Tom, somehow feeling that she would regret it very much.

Tom stood up from the chair and took Ksiv by the waist to help her stand as well, slowly led her to the VIP room which was set up next to the bar. Closing the door behind him, he held the black corset in his hands. Ksiv looked around the room, which was dimly lit with violet light.

"Turn around" Tom ordered and as Ksivera turned, Tom pulled the corset close to her body, twisting the laces and tightening them until he heard Ksiv groan, letting him know she had enough.

"It's hard to breathe" Ksiv said as she tried to fix the corset but Tom tightened the laces a bit more tying them in a nice ribbon. His hands slid down to her thighs, caressing them gently, then brought his hands up to her chest, which was slightly raised by the corset, cupping her breasts roughly in his hands as he leaned against her neck, tickling her neck with his beard.

Ksiveri stopped her breathing for a second, placing her hands on Tom's hands which were still on her breasts. She wanted him, she wanted to feel his rough touches, to make her night one to remember, but Tom pulled away from her knowingly what she wanted.

"If anyone tries to touch you, don't let them, don't let them take you to the VIP room," Tom said coldly. "You belong to me, your body is mine, no one can touch you without my permission"

Ksivera slowly turned to him bringing her hands to his face and slowly moved her head to his lips but Tom tilted his head to prevent their lips from connecting.

"Don't break the rules" Tom hissed. Ksivera nodded and clenched her jaw.

Tom took her hand and led her out of the room towards the stage, unable to take his eyes off her body. At the stage he let go of her hand and she took one last look at Tom and climbed the stairs onto the stage. The music slowly began to play, Ksiv's body pressed against the pole, the men in the crowd watched her with serious looks as she moved her hips to the music beat.

[I need one reason to unpublish this book and I will do it because I planned to write this book up to 30 chapters, but with my writing like this there will be too many chapters unless I hurry up the action]

The Last One Standing // Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now