I nod. Soap helps y/n stand up as she keeps her gaze on her locket.

''Just take it easy. I will meet up with you later'' Soap says softly to her. She nods, giving me a charming dead stare as she leaves the gym.

Soap watches her leave before he turns back to me.

''Lieutenant.'' he starts, folding his arms over his chest.

''I get what you are trying to do with y/n, but at this rate, she will never be a part of this team..''

I scoff at him. ''Sounds like a plan to me.''

''Do you even have a heart?''

''A cold one''

''I can see that''

Soap is serious, and i can't help but feel confused about it.

''Did you not see what she just pulled Johnny? Trying to trick her way out of leaving the necklace on. She is testing me''

''Or..'' Soap says slowly. ''The locket means way more to her than we realize''

I scoff, letting out a sly chuckle. ''And what if it does? There is no room for sympathy here. At this rate, I would bet she would give her teammate's life for that goddamn locket. Is that what you want Johnny!?'' my tone is back to its authoritative and stern nature.

''Lt, with all due respect'' I can tell Soap is choosing his words carefully so as to not piss me off further. ''I know her. I met her 5 years ago as i was sent as a reinforcement for her team. She was on a solo mission. She used to be this shy, kind girl.''

''Would've been way easier to work with''

''My point is..'' Soap continues. ''..something happened in those 5 years, something big. It changed her whole persona. And I can't help but feel like the locket is connected to it''

''Johnny..'' I interrupt him, losing my patience. ''We are not her goddamn babysitters. if she has issues she needs help. At her current state, she is not fit for this job.''

Soap opens his mouth to say something else but he quickly shuts it. He knows i am right.

''Why are you protecting her?'' I ask confused, frowning. ''Just let her fuck up and report it to Price, she will be gone in a day''

Soap sighs. ''Because LT..I know her. Her records are phenomenal. She really could be a great asset to our team, one we desperately need..you know this.''

Soap's words struck me. We did receive intel recently that a new enemy leader is rising from the ashes. We need all the help we can get frankly. Even if it's an emotionally unstable piece of-...

I sigh, hesitant and annoyed to speak the words.
''Fine. I will talk to her''

A few minutes later I am barging through the hallway, stopping at y/n's door.

I knock violently.

''Recruit, open up. It's me'' I growl, making sure she knows I mean business.

I hear some stumbling on the other side. She doesn't open the door.

''What do you want.'' her voice slightly muffled because of the closed door.

''Recruit. Open the goddamn door!''

She sighs. As she slowly opens it.

I look down at her. Her eyes are red. Her face pale. She looks horrible.

I am a bit taken aback by her sudden change in appearance.

''Are..you okay?'' I ask, not being able to hide the tiniest bit of concern I have for her.

She stares at the ground. ''Why do you care?''

''I don't. Soap send me.''

''Then why didn't he come''

''I guess he was also sick of your behavior''

She scoffs. ''I appreciate your concern'' There is a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

I roll my eyes at her. ''Look, I don't know the deal with the locket but I did not..know the meaning of it. Hell, I still don't..''

I feel myself trail off, I'm not good at this kind of stuff and I have just had it with this girl.

A small playful smirk appears suddenly on her face as she crosses her arms.

''Are you apologizing LT?'' She taunts.

I grunt. God, she makes everything so much harder than it needs to be.

And how is she smirking as she just had a breakdown minutes ago? This girl makes my blood boil just by existing.

''Just so you know you will be reprimanded for skipping training'' I say sternly.

''But I-..''

''No. the reason doesn't matter. You skipped, which will have consequences'' I growl at her.

I turn around as I want to walk away, but I stop.

''And I guess I am..sorry for breaking your necklace,'' I mumble at her.

I feel the tension between us slightly fading as she lets out a deep sigh.

''Thank you'' she says with her usual soft tone.

Soap's words are suddenly playing in my mind.

She must have gone through a lot.

Right, I guess I know what that feels like. Maybe she and I have more in common than we care to admit.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now