Chapter 22: Spaces

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Yeji's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she was disoriented. The room she found herself in was unfamiliar, yet something about it felt eerily familiar.

As she tried to sit up, her gaze fell upon the figure standing by the window, opening the curtains to let in the morning light.

It was Minju.

A sense of déjà vu washed over Yeji as she remembered a similar scene from years ago, a time when Minju had been an integral part of her life.

It felt surreal to wake up in a room with her ex-lover after all this time.

Minju turned around, her eyes locking onto Yeji's. There was a mixture of emotions in her gaze-surprise, concern, and perhaps something else that Yeji couldn't quite decipher.

"Good morning," Minju greeted, her voice gentle yet laced with uncertainty.

Yeji's heart raced as she tried to piece together the events of the previous night. She recalled the bar, the drinks, and the overwhelming confusion that had led her to seek solace in alcohol.

But how had she ended up here, with Minju, of all people?

"What am I doing here?" Yeji finally managed to ask, her voice trembling.

Minju sighed, her expression painful. "You got really drunk last night, Yeji. You called me. So, I brought you here."

Yeji's head throbbed as she tried to process the information. She couldn't remember how she had ended up in this situation, but one thing was clear-she had allowed herself to be vulnerable, and now she was facing the consequences.

As the reality of the situation sank in, Yeji couldn't help but wonder why she had let her guard down so completely.

What had driven her to seek comfort in the company of her ex-lover, especially when she was in a relationship with Ryujin?

Confusion and guilt gnawed at Yeji's heart, and she knew that she had some difficult questions to answer, both for herself and for the people she cared about.

As Yeji sat on the edge of the unfamiliar bed, her mind was was still clouded with confusion and regret, and her phone began to ring. The sound of Ryujin's ringtone pierced through the tense silence in the room.

Yeji hesitated for a moment, her heart heavy with guilt. She knew she had to answer the call and face the consequences of her actions.

With trembling hands, she picked up her phone and accepted the incoming call from Ryujin.

"Yeji," Ryujin's voice came through the line, filled with concern and a hint of frustration. "Where are you? I've been trying to reach you all day. Are you okay?"

Yeji swallowed hard, her throat dry. She could feel Minju's eyes on her, silently watching the conversation unfold. "Ryujin," she began, her voice shaky, "I... I'm not sure how to explain this, but I'm not where I should be."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Ryujin's voice grew more anxious. "Yeji, what's going on? Where are you?"

Yeji closed her eyes briefly, trying to find the right words. "I'm at Minju's place," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ryujin fell silent, and the weight of her disappointment hung heavily in the air. Yeji knew she had betrayed the trust of the person she loved, and the guilt was overwhelming.

"Yeji," Ryujin finally spoke, her tone a mix of hurt and resignation, "we need to talk when you get back."

Tears welled up in Yeji's eyes as she realized the gravity of her mistake. "I know, Ryujin," she replied, her voice breaking. "I'm so sorry. I promise we'll talk when I get back."

With that, the call ended, leaving Yeji in a room filled with memories of her past and a present that was suddenly more complicated than ever. She knew she had a lot of explaining to do, and the path ahead was uncertain and fraught with challenges.

Yeji and Ryujin stood on the rooftop of Yeji's company, the tension between them palpable.

The sky above was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun began to set, casting a warm, almost ethereal glow over the cityscape.

It had been a few days since Yeji's unexpected encounter with Minju, and the atmosphere between them had grown strained.

Ryujin had been patient, giving Yeji the space she needed to sort out her feelings and thoughts. Now, they had finally decided to have a much-needed conversation.

The rooftop offered a sense of isolation from the bustling world below, a place where they could speak openly without the fear of prying eyes or interruptions.

Ryujin cleared her throat, breaking the silence that hung between them. "Yeji, I... I don't even know where to start."

Yeji's expression was a mix of frustration and sadness. "Let's start with the truth, Ryujin. I can't believe you didn't tell me that you knew Minju."

Ryujin shifted uncomfortably, avoiding Yeji's gaze. "I didn't tell you because... because I didn't want to complicate things. I knew how much Minju meant to you, and I didn't want to create any issues between us."

Yeji's voice was laced with anger. "You didn't want to create issues? Ryujin, keeping something like this from me is a betrayal of trust. How could you think it wouldn't complicate things?"

Ryujin looked down at her feet, unable to meet Yeji's eyes. "I messed up, Yeji. I should have been honest with you from the beginning. I was just scared of losing you."

Ryujin couldn't contain her frustration any longer. "Yeji, I get it; I messed up by not telling you about Minju, but instead of addressing that, you're flipping the situation. Why aren't we talking about why you were in her house?"

Yeji clenched her fists, her anger boiling over. "Because, Ryujin.... It's not what you think! I didn't plan to be there. I woke up, and I was as shocked as you are. I was drunk, and I called her, and nothing more happened."

Ryujin's voice was tinged with disbelief. "Even your unconscious was telling you to call her. Tell me how I can understand that situation."

Yeji shot back; her voice was equally heated. "I don't know," Yeji yelled. "But nothing happened between us, Ryujin. I promise."

Their argument escalated, with voices rising as they exchanged accusations and frustrations.

The heated exchange went on, with neither of them willing to back down as the underlying issues in their relationship surfaced once again.

The place was filled with tension, and it seemed like their love was hanging by a thread.

Yeji stood there on the rooftop, her chest tight with emotion, her eyes filled with tears that she refused to let fall. She clenched her fists, feeling the weight of the argument that had just unfolded between her and Ryujin. The anger that had fueled her words had now given way to a profound sense of exhaustion, leaving her drained and emotionally spent.

Turning to face Ryujin, she spoke with a trembling voice, "Ryujin, I don't know what to do. I need time to figure things out, and I need space to think." Her words hung heavy in the air, a plea for understanding and a desperate desire for a resolution.

Ryujin's expression softened, her eyes reflecting the hurt and confusion that had been etched onto Yeji's face just moments ago. She nodded slowly, her heart heavy with the realization of how close they had come to breaking something precious. "I understand, Yeji," she said softly. "Take all the time you need. I need to do the same."

As they separated, the distance between them seemed to magnify the profound sadness that hung in the air. It was as if the rooftop, once a place of solace and shared moments, had transformed into a battleground for their emotions.

The setting sun cast long shadows across the rooftop, symbolizing the uncertainty that now clouded their future together.

Yeji and Ryujin knew that their relationship had been strained to its limits. They were both hurting, and the road ahead was uncertain, shrouded in darkness. But one thing was clear - they had a long and difficult journey ahead of them if they were ever going to find their way back to each other.

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