Chapter 2: A New Day in the Office

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Yeji's office hummed with the frenetic energy of a well-oiled machine. Her poised fingers hovered over the polished tabletop, ready to orchestrate the day's proceedings. Every item in her workspace had its designated place, much like the carefully scored notes on a conductor's sheet of music.

The urgency in her voice threatened to disrupt the meticulously maintained order as she queried, "What's my schedule for today?"

Chaeryeong, a close friend of Yeji's and her trusted confidante, was seated across from her at the sleek conference table in Yeji's meticulously organized office. The room exuded professionalism with its modern furniture and neatly arranged stacks of documents.

Chaeryeong's eyes widened, and she couldn't contain her shock when Yeji suddenly yelled. She shot up from her chair, her voice filled with urgency as she exclaimed, "Wait, hold on! What the hell?"

Yeji, who had been pacing back and forth in front of her desk, stopped abruptly. Her eyes, usually sharp and focused, now reflected a storm of thoughts and emotions. She turned to Chaeryeong, her face flushed with a mixture of anxiety and determination.

"I NEED MY SCHEDULE!" Yeji yelled back, her voice echoing through the office.

In this charged atmosphere, anticipation hung thick in the air, like a shroud of unspoken promises and unfulfilled expectations. It was clear that something significant was on the horizon, and the weight of it bore down on both women.

Chaeryeong, always the voice of reason, took a deep breath and tried to bring some clarity to the situation. "Remember, your new secretary is supposed to start today," she reminded Yeji, her tone a mix of consolation and reminder.

"Yes, but why is it taking so long?" Yeji demanded, her frustration intensifying. Her office, once a sanctuary of order and efficiency, now hummed with disquiet. The rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to intensify, as if each tick were a metronome counting down the seconds until the long-awaited arrival.

The room, once a picture of impeccable organization, had been thrown into chaos by the absence of a key figure in Yeji's professional life. Papers were scattered on her desk, and the pristine whiteboard that usually displayed her meticulously planned schedule was a jumble of hastily written notes.

"Relax," Chaeryeong advised, her voice a mellifluous counterpoint to Yeji's frenzy. "I'm sure your father is finding the best of the best. After all, your previous secretary held the position for a solid two years, or more if she hadn't experienced that unexpected stomach encounter."

Yeji cracked a begrudging smile at her friend's remark, the corners of her lips softening. Chaeryeong's presence was familiar.

"Ugh," Yeji sighed, her irritation momentarily dissolved by the camaraderie of their banter, "If you weren't my best friend, I'd kick you out right now."

Yeji leaned back in her plush office chair, her eyes fixed on Chaeryeong, her unwavering pillar of support since high school. Gratitude welled up in her, and she finally found the words to express it. "By the way, Ryeong, thank you for always being here. It's incredible how you've supported me since high school, even after... well, you know."

Chaeryeong, ever the steadfast friend, cut through the tension with her practicality. "Enough about her. She's not here, so let's not dwell on it," she urged, her voice firm and resolute.

But the unspoken truths and lingering emotions remained, casting a shadow over the room. Chaeryeong knew that there was more to Yeji's frustration than just the absence of her secretary.

Yeji, her voice barely above a whisper, couldn't contain her vulnerability any longer. "But my heart can't," she confessed, her words like a fragile melody in the midst of chaos.

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