Chapter 20: Entangled Shadows

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The office bustled with the energy of a dozen diligent employees, yet an undercurrent of tension cocooned Yeji's sprawling office. It was a space bathed in soft, filtered light, thanks to expansive windows overlooking the city's ever-moving rhythm. Dark wood furniture graced the room, inviting an air of sophistication, while the hushed symphony of keyboards and the gentle shuffle of papers provided the only soundtrack to the day's proceedings.

In her customary corner desk, Ryujin was entrenched in her tasks, a steaming cup of coffee as her silent ally. She worked diligently, mindful not to disturb the sanctity of her boss's workspace.

Suddenly, the office's grand door swung open with a flourish, and Minju made her entrance. Her arrival, like a gust of wind, went unnoticed by Ryujin, a deliberate snub that left her both bewildered and wary.

Minju glided gracefully towards Yeji's desk, an aura of elegance surrounding her every step. Her hair cascaded like a waterfall down her back, and her eyes held an enigmatic allure.

"Yeji, darling, how's your day been?" Minju inquired, her voice carrying a sense of intimacy, tinged with an unsettling charm that left Yeji momentarily taken aback.

Yeji, in response, raised an eyebrow as she looked up from her work, her expression a puzzle of conflicting emotions. "It's been productive, thank you," she replied, her confusion evident, wondering why Minju's demeanor had taken such an abrupt shift from their previous interactions where it had been all business.

A beguiling smile graced Minju's lips, a true work of art in itself, as she continued her approach. "Good to hear. Would you like to hang out later? I've heard there's a captivating new art exhibition opening downtown."

Yeji hesitated, her gaze momentarily shifting towards Ryujin, who had unwittingly become an unwilling spectator to this unexpected interaction. "I'd love to, Minju," Yeji began cautiously, "but I have a lot on my plate right now. Work is quite demanding at the moment."

Ryujin tried to conceal her surprise at Yeji's swift deflection, recognizing her boss's attempt to subtly communicate her unavailability.

Minju leaned closer, her voice a velvet whisper. "You've been working so hard, Yeji. Don't forget to make time for yourself."

Yeji offered a polite smile. "I appreciate your concern, Minju, but I'm committed to finishing these reports today."

A veil of disappointment descended over Minju, though her poise remained unbroken. "Of course, work comes first."

Ryujin couldn't quell her growing unease; something didn't sit right, and she sensed concealed motives in this interaction.

Minju showed no inclination to leave Yeji's office just yet. Despite Ryujin's inward eye roll, she settled comfortably into a plush chair before Yeji's desk, a silent challenge to her presence.

Yeji, still maintaining her professional demeanor, decided to confront the situation head-on. "Minju, may I ask how you entered my office again? This is the second intrusion this week."

Minju waved a dismissive hand, her secrets well-guarded. "Oh, Yeji, darling, you know I have my ways."

Ryujin couldn't help but find the situation more perplexing with each passing moment. She watched the exchange between her boss and Minju, her sense of disquiet deepening.

Minju's gaze darted toward Ryujin, who feigned absorption in her work, though her curiosity burned. "I thought we could catch up, Yeji. It's been ages since we had a proper conversation."

Yeji nodded, but beneath her acquiescence, Ryujin sensed a note of reluctance. "Yes, it has been a while. But, as I mentioned, I'm swamped with work today."

Ryujin couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in her own boss's office. She soldiered on with her tasks, but her curiosity about Minju's intentions was undeniable.

As Ryujin observed the ongoing exchange between Yeji and Minju, she couldn't escape the heaviness in her heart.

Yeji and Minju had a history, one that preceded Ryujin's arrival as Yeji's girlfriend. Despite her status as the current partner, a pang of sadness gnawed at Ryujin. She wondered why Yeji was still so accommodating toward her former flame.

As Minju continued her persistent probing into Yeji's life and work, Ryujin's mind wandered. She couldn't help but reminisce about the moments when she and Yeji had fiery arguments, when Yeji would throw tantrums and insist her privacy was non-negotiable.

Now, it seemed like Yeji was answering Minju's questions without hesitation.

After what felt like an eternity, Minju finally posed the ultimate question. "Yeji, would you like to hang out sometime? Just like old times."

Ryujin's heart sank, and she steeled herself for Yeji's response. She watched in disbelief as Yeji hesitated for a moment, her eyes locked onto Minju's.

Then, to Ryujin's shock, Yeji agreed, "Okay."

Ryujin felt like the air had been knocked out of her. It was as if her heart had shattered into a million pieces. She had never expected Yeji to agree to such a proposition, especially from her ex.

As Minju gracefully departed the office, Ryujin couldn't help but feel defeated. She kept her head down, unable to face them, left to grapple with the crushing reality of feeling like an outsider in her own relationship.

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